miscommunications |t.n

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it just wasn't fair.

Because of the colours he wore he wasn't allowed to love you?

He's the one who holds you at night

He's the one who helps you study

He's the one who makes you smile

Bullshit, it was all bullshit. You were both happy loving each other in secret until a few weeks ago when he found you in the astronomy tower.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed a gentle kiss to the side of your face. You looked back at him and gave him a small smile.

"What's wrong?" he asked you


"don't give me that, what's wrong?"

"do you not worry about our future?" you sighed

"not really, why?" he unwrapped his hands from your waist and turned you to face him.

"do you think we even have a future?"

theodore took a step back "i do, do you not?"

"I just think" you looked down "we're setting ourselves up for failure, Think about it theo, everyone will have an issue with us, which is why we have to love each other in secret. Why are we doing this to ourselves."

he took a breath in "do you want to tell people about us? i don't understand"

You felt bad, but you couldn't explain it to him.
"No- no that would make it worse"

"y/n do you think this is fair" he scoffed

"think what is fair"

"us having to hide because people have their opinions"


"no! this is not how i want this to go, i love you"
he waited for you to say it back.

"¡ love you" he walked closer to you lifting your head up with his hand.

he waited for a few seconds before sighing and turning towards the railing

"theodore" you could tell he was angry

"you had no issue saying it to me last night, or the night before that when you were practically throwing yourself at me-"

"What the fuck is wrong with you" you seethed " i think we need to seriously think about us theo"

"what's there to think about?"

"well we clearly have an issue if you think this can work just like that" you walked away from him

That was the last time theodore had spoke to you in four weeks.

The valentines ball was tonight and you had no issue missing out, infact that was your plan. No theo, No point, even though you knew it was your fault, that stupid outburst you had on the astronomy tower had been haunting you.

"God why are you not ready? The ball is starting soon" hermione gasped at the sight of you in your blanket.

"i'm not going hermione"

"like hell you aren't, get up and get ready" she snickered

"no, i'm really not going" you asserted.

She came and sat on the edge of your bed, her hair was pinned up and she was waiting to put her dress on. "What's wrong? do you not have a date? neither do i, i'll go with you"

"No hermione it's not that i promise"

"then what is it?"

you sighed running a hand over your face "What would you do if i told you i loved someone"

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