shadowed trust | t.n

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Theodore had always been a bit of a paranoid guy, but he had never been this jealous before. He sat in the Slytherin common room, his brow furrowed as he read the newsletter. The rumor had spread like wildfire, and now it had even made it to the papers.

Theodore couldn't believe what he was reading. The words were etching into his mind, The rumor suggested that you, his girl, his darling was growing close to someone else. Someone he knew all too well, someone he had considered a friend – Adrien pucey.

It was as if a wand had been plunged into his heart, and he couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal. Theodore had never been one to easily trust others, but he had allowed you to breach the walls he had built around his heart. You were the one person who had made him believe in love again, especially after his mother, and now it felt like that love was slipping through his fingers.

That night Theodore couldn't put himself to sleep his mind kept going back to the possibility that the whole time he was thinking of you with nothing less that love and adoration you were thinking of adrien, the supposed rival. He couldn't fathom the idea of losing you, of waking up one day to find that you were no longer a part of his life. The anxiety clawed at him, making it hard to breathe. He had to talk to you, had to know the truth, even if it meant facing his worst fears head-on.

That evening, he found you standing in the astronomy tower, a place were the two of you shared the most fond memories. You looked up and saw him approaching, a smile lighting up your face, but it quickly faded as you noticed the turmoil in his eyes.

"Teddy, what's wrong?" you asked, concern lacing your voice.

He swallowed hard, his throat dry. "Is it true, what they're saying about you and adrien?" He couldn't bring himself to utter adriens  name, the bitterness seeping into his words.

Your eyes widened in realization, and you quickly understood the source of his distress. "Theo, that rumor is false," you said earnestly. "I can't believe you would even believe that, i don't have feelings for anyone else. You're the one I love."

He stared at you, he wanted to believe you when he saw the sincerity in your eyes. But his insecurities quickly replaced that sight as he unfolded the paper that he pulled from his hoodie pocket and showed you the page that had a picture of two people in a heated situation.

"are you being serious? theodore you can't even see their face!"

"when did you start thinking about him?"

"theodore what is wrong with you?"

"was it when we were on our first date?" he continued

"theo stop-"

"was it when i first said i love you?"

you stared at him in shock as he continued listing scenarios while walking closer to you.

"was it when i first made love-"

you didn't want to listen anymore, your hand came and swiftly slapped across his face.

"don't speak to me till you come to your senses" you scoffed with glossy eyes.

theodore seethed as he watched your figure walk away

The next day at breakfast was rough, you were sitting with luna while theodore sat with his friends

Draco crossed his arms, looking at Theodore with concern. " So you're letting baseless rumors ruin your relationship? You should trust her. i don't know why i even have to tell you that"

Blaise nodded in agreement. "We all know how much you care about her. Don't let something as stupid as rumours break a good relationship mate"

Pansy chimed in, "Theodore, i'll give this to you bluntly, Y/n is my best friend and you really fucked up, i heard about everything last night she came back to our dorm in pieces and if you actually believe these rumours... Honestly you've made a right mess of this one"

Theodore sighed before noticing the familiar face of adrien on his way out the hall

It was him he should be angry with.

"You're right" he started

"i know" pansy smiled

"i should be mad at adrien!"

before anyone could react theodore had gotten up and stormed out the hall where he had saw adrien.

"Oi Pucey"


Before adrien even registered who called him theodore's fist had connected with his cheek.

Adrien was flung back and theodore didn't even blink before jumping on top of the boy and beating him.

Ignoring the cheering crowd that had now formed the fight seemed to be getting worse as blaise and draco had now come to intervene.

you watched next to pansy in disgust as the boy you loved was beating a poor boy who hadn't done anything.

adrien got a good few punches in near the end before finally they had been separated.

Theodore couldn't hear anything as he felt himself getting more angrier by the minute. He stared back at the crowd and for a second his eyes met with yours before you turned away in disgust and dragged pansy along with you.

theo and adrien had both been taken to the infirmary with a strict warning from mcgonagall that if they do much as touched each other again there would be serious trouble.

they sat in silence for a few minutes before theodore broke it

"just tell me if they're true"

Adrien looked taken aback by the sudden conversation. "I don't know what you're talking about, mate."

"Don't play dumb," Theodore snapped. "These rumors about Y/N and you. Tell me the truth."

Adrien hesitated,"I didn't start the rumors, but I heard people talking about it. I thought it was just gossip, nothing serious."

Theodore's anger shifted into frustration. "You should have put an end to it, not let it spread like wildfire."

Adrien looked remorseful. "I know. I'm sorry, when marissa asked me if there was anything going on i should have been more stern."

Theodore clenched his jaw, his anger dissipating as he realized what had happened "Marissa? Slytherin Marissa?"


"the one who has had a crush on me since second year!" he raised his voice a little bit

"oh shit! mate you need to apologise to y/n"

Just then, you entered the infirmary, carrying a tray with ice packs and ointments. You didn't say a word but walked over to then handing them an ice pack.

"madame pomfrey wanted me to give them to you" you said bluntly before making a move to walk away.

Theo wasn't stupid he knew that madame pomfrey could of given it to them herself but he wasn't about to question anything, he was just happy you had come to see him even if it was just to make sure they were still alive. He grabbed your hand quickly stopping you from leaving.

"Y/N, i'm sorry"

you didn't say anything, instead you turned around and took the ice pack from him and placed it on his new forming bruise

"i should of trusted you"

You continued to apply the ice pack without meeting his gaze.

"i was being irrational and i know you would never cheat on me. I don't deserve you, even now you're here helping me"

you finally met his eyes

"i love you y/n"

"i love you too"

"i promise i won't ever let a stupid rumour by stupid marissa get to me ever again"

"wait... marissa started this rumour? i'm going to bloody kill her" you spoke for the first time making theodore laugh

"it seems we're both the jealous type no?" he grinned

a smile finally broke out on both your faces as he leaned into you, his lips meeting yours for a short sweet moment before adrien cleared his throat.

"piss off" theodore groaned before yanking the curtain around his bed and pulling you back into him.

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