Whispers of change | c.d

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Amidst the Hogwarts turmoil, the crisp air rustled through the leaves as you stormed away from Dean, emotions churning like a tempest. "Come on, y/n, she came onto me!" Dean's voice resonated, his attempt to rationalize his actions echoing in the air.

"Yeah, and your hands seemed to have a mind of their own, exploring every inch of her," you retorted, your voice laced with frustration and tears tracing down your cheeks. Seeking refuge, you found yourself in the courtyard, needing the open space to untangle the knot in your chest.

Dean's hurried footsteps echoed, and his hand closed around your arm. "Let go of me!" you exclaimed, the tension of the moment attracting the attention of nearby students.

"You're being overly dramatic," he sighed, rolling his eyes dismissively as he tried to steer you with him.

"Me? Dramatic? After witnessing my boyfriend practically becoming one with Pansy fucking Parkinson?" The words shot out, a mixture of anger and heartbreak intertwining in your voice.

Dean began, "Y/n, sto—" but his words faltered as a voice interjected from behind you.

"Is everything alright here?"

Turning to the sound, you quickly wiped away your tears and corrected yourself, "Pretty boy dig—Cedric?" The surprise was evident in your voice as you recognized the Gryffindor sixth-year.

Dean, defensive, replied to Cedric's inquiry, "Yeah, mate, everything's fine."

Cedric's raised eyebrow lingered on you, his concern palpable. You regained your composure, straightening your robes with a hint of a smile that he reciprocated.

"I was just leaving," you declared, stepping away and leaving Dean momentarily speechless. "Wait, y/n, please, I'm sorry!" his voice called after you, but this time, you walked on without turning back.

Seeking refuge in the Gryffindor common room, you found yourself sitting alone with your thoughts.


"Hello, love!" Fred's cheerful voice disrupted your solitude, accompanied by George's playful grin.

"Does this mean I can ask you out now?" George's mischievous smile played on his lips, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

You glimpsed Dean entering the common room, his robes slightly disheveled and an unfamiliar scent clinging to him. The unmistakable aroma of Pansy's perfume filled the air, a memory that refused to fade.

Dean took a seat beside you as the twins left, leaving you with a smile and a supportive pat on your back. "We're over there if you need us," George gestured to a corner of the room.

"I'm sorry, I truly am," Dean's voice quivered as he leaned closer to you.

Your gaze drifted to his tie, your heart wavered for a moment. But then, you met his eyes and murmured softly into his ear, "You can go back to sucking Pansy's face off. I'm breaking up with you." Your resolve solidified as you turned to leave, his audible mumble confirming your suspicions about the tie switch.

As you exited the common room, his pleas echoed after you, but this time, you didn't slow down.

Venturing into the woods, you sought refuge in a secluded spot that only you and Luna Lovegood seemed to frequent. The gentle rustling of leaves was accompanied by the soothing cadence of a familiar voice.

"He's a tossed anyway," Cedric's comforting words reached your ears, and you looked up to see him approaching.

"Still hurts," you admitted, your heart heavy with the remnants of the relationship's pain.

Cedric settled down beside you, a shared camaraderie forming between you. You idly plucked at the grass beneath you, a small smile tugging at your lips.

"Boys can be complete gits," Cedric chimed in, his gaze distant yet understanding.

A genuine laugh bubbled up from within you. "Oh, I won't argue with that statement!"

Amidst the shared laughter, a moment of silence followed, and you noticed Cedric fiddling with his rings. His voice was soft, barely audible, as he spoke, "I could treat you so much better, y/n."

The confession hung in the air, and you met his gaze, uncertainty and hesitation mingling in your chest. But before you could respond, he urged, "Don't say anything yet, just let me feel the relief of finally saying it."

Casting aside your initial thoughts, you managed to reply, "I just got out of a relationship, cedric."

"But would you consider letting me take you on a date?" His inquiry was sincere, his vulnerability an echo of your own.

"Of course," you responded, and as a blush spread across Cedric's cheeks, his smile illuminated his face.

"See you later," he said softly, rising from his seat, leaving you with a warmth that countered the chill of the woods.

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