the three times remus wanted to say i love you and the one time he did | r.l

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1- common room

Within the cozy confines of the Gryfindor common room, a soft crackling fire bathed the room in a warm, flickering glow. Remus sat nestled in an armchair, "Fantastic Beasts" open in his lap. Yet, his thoughts weren't anchored to the words on the page; they wandered, inevitably drawn to a certain someone who occupied his mind more often than he cared to admit.

The firelight danced upon his features, accentuating the lines of concentration that creased his forehead.

The rhythmic ticking of the nearby clock was a soothing backdrop as he traced his fingers along the intricate text, absorbing information. But even the most captivating descriptions couldn't compete with the vivid image etched in his memory - the gentle curve of her smile, the way her eyes light up when she speaks about something she loves.

almost like the way his eyes light up when he sees her

As if summoned by his wistful thoughts, the common room's door creaked open, and your figure graced the threshold. Remus's heart froze in his chest, and his breath caught at the sight of you. Your steps were purposeful, your presence commanding attention without you having to say
a word.

Lost in his own world, Remus was jolted back to reality by your voice. "Remus, do you know where the book on magical creatures is? I can't seem to find it."

your inquiry hung in the air, and his eyes met yours. The room seemed to pulse with shared vulnerability. His heart raced as he managed a small smile. "I think it's on the second shelf from the top, right over there."

Your lips curled into a grateful smile. "Thank you, Remus. You're a lifesaver."

your appreciation for his assistance sent a warmth rippling through him, and he watched as you crossed the room to the bookshelf. His pulse quickened as you reached for the book, your fingers grazing the spine.

With the book in your grasp, You turned back to him, your eyes locking onto his with an unspoken connection. In that charged moment, the words he yearned to say hovered at the tip of his tongue, begging for release.

He wanted to tell you that your presence was a drug to his soul, that your smile illuminated even the darkest corners of his life. Yet, as his heart raced and his pulse pounded in his ears, shyness clung to him like a weighty cloak, muting his feelings and chaining his words.

his eyes followed your figure as you left, leaving him with even more to say to you than before.

2- the black lake
The night, a tapestry of inky darkness adorned with the silver threads of stars, stretched over the Hogwarts grounds like a lover's embrace.

Remus found himself drawn to the serenity of the lake, its still waters mirroring the secrets he carried within. The full moon hung in the sky, a radiant orb that illuminated the night in its ethereal glow.

Seated on the edge of the lake, Remus dipped his fingers into the cool water, the ripples echoing the tumultuous emotions he harbored.

He hadn't intended to spend the night outside, but the allure of the stars had beckoned him from the confines of the castle.

As if answering the call of fate, soft footfalls approached, the sound barely audible against the backdrop of remus's heartbeat. Remus turned, and his heart quickened even more if even possible as your figure emerged from the shadows.

To him you moved with a grace that seemed to belong to the night itself, your steps deliberate and unhurried.

"Remus," you greeted, your voice a gentle murmur that held a hint of delight. "What are you doing out here?"

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