29. Hidding in a cave

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The next morning I awoke to everyone packing. Apparently Dutch sent Charles and Arthur out to look for a new camp, I would've rather him send bill than Arthur....Arthur needs rest..but Dutch, he wants a warrior.

It frustrated me that Arthur didn't want to rest or even stop for only a minute. He only wanted to keep moving, keep pushing even though he knew there wasn't anything else to push for, the gang was to far gone to push forward with. I had to make a decision. Stay till the end and get caught in the crossfire or leave the gang while still on good terms with everyone, find someplace to settle and live a quiet life somewhere nice. I knew there would be some convincing to Micah but maybe, just maybe he'd agree, leave this place and we could be a family again. It would be a dream come true.  Micah was around back of the old cabin leaning off the deck pondering in his mind.

"Penny for you're thoughts?" I asked perching besides him as he kept his focus out on the swamp.

"I ain't got no pennies to spare dear, wouldn't want to know what's going on in my old head" he lowly spoke.

"Nonsense, no such thing" I chuckled shoving his side. There was a slight silence before he cleared his throat.

"Hun I know I'm not the best at times, but i want to be better...for you, and Sara...i ain't got that much time left on this earth and from how I'm seeing things, this gang ain't got that much time either, so...I think I want to go. leave for something bigger, a new opportunity to better myself, and you."

"What are you getting at here Micah bell" I questioned hoping he was thinking the same as I.

"I...I think I'm gonna join the army"

I paused for a moment. "Micah bell? The army? You've got to be joking me" I scoffed.

"I want to do something good for this country and that means not dying for being an idiot American" he furrowed his brows. 

"Micah, you have a family...you cannot go out and try to be a hero when you're already a villain" I raised my voice slightly. Micah huffed crossing his arms knowing I wasn't finished. "And....I need you...Sara needs you" I sounded defeated.

"I already enrolled....I leave in a week"

I stared into this mans beautiful blue eyes knowing the hatred rise from my feet into my head, I could feel my fist clenching and my jaw tightening. How could he. How could he think that joining the army where a war could start at any moment in time and he'd be sent away only to be a barricade for guns, having nobody and nothing be better than the family he has. I was done. That was the last straw. I walked away without a word spoken. I was sad, disappointed and overwhelmed with anger that I needed to get my hands on something to subdue what I was feeling. I grabbed the biggest bottle of jin I could find and sucked back until everything around me began to merge and turn black. What I didn't know was there was a reason to this decision Micah had made. In fact, it was decided the moment he stepped off the boat when dropping him off coming home from guarma. The law had found him after him and bill parted ways, they were going to arrest him, send him to Sisika penitentiary where he would spend the rest of his life, and even be sentenced to death, or join the military and fight in a war soon to come. Micah could only choose the one that would make him feel less lonely, he knew he could still see me and Sara, not through his own eyes but through ink and paper. It was his only chance at getting to be closer to us. His family.

When I awoke, something was different, it was dark but a small glimpse of light was coming from somewhere, I sat up only to fall back down from the hangover. I managed to fall close to the flap of the tent, I smacked it open to see an entirely new camp, it was to dark to see anything but the fire and before I knew it I was out again. The sounds of birds tweeting and cheeping awoke me, the amerce pain that throbbed from my head almost killed me. I groaned as I pried myself off the damp dewy ground feeling the dirt stick to my dry skin I wiped the mud off the side of my face feeling the graininess in my mouth. I stepped out of my tent wanting to interaction with anyone in camp until i got cleaned up and surprisingly there was none...which never happens. Something was off.
I found a small cowry under the camp that i washed off in, making sure to get most of the dirt off my body as i could i heard some muttering from above, i looked up to see Arthur on his horse slowly coming out of camp.

"Hey morgan!"

I hollered but i got nothing in response, be just kept going. That was not normal of him. I got out of the water and stood on the path.

"ARTHUR!" I shouted.

His head quickly turned in my direction as his eyes focused.

"Where you going hun?" I said heading over to him placing a hand on hid horses neck. He shrugged.

"Out...got something i gotta do"

"Like what"

"Stuff" he muttered turning away from me. He was acting unusual.

"Alright Arthur, be careful out there" I sighed letting him go as he flicked the reins and hurried off.

I didn't understand why he was becoming such a hermit, and i most definitely know he's not getting any better with how bad his eyes had gotten. Blood shot and bruised. He was dying more and more everyday. I was incredibly scared on how much longer he had until it would kill him. Then i would have no one. No Micah and no Arthur. I had to go before i saw both of them leave. Even if its going to hurt my little girl..but it was going ti hurt me more not getting to see Micah one last time. I have to see him get on that train before I go off on my own path.


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