Chapter 12

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"Your highness, we've spotted three dragons on the horizon." The guards quickly ran to Princess Rheanyra who stood discussing urgent matter with her council and family.

They all headed to the windows that over looked the seas, watching as the three dragons flew at a fast pace straight for them.

"That's Daenerys dragon." Jacerys spoke out, studying the dragon that flew in the middle of them, recognising it's unique colouring from afar.

"Vermithor and silver wing on either side."

"You don't think that she-"

"Bonded with two more dragons ? It appears that way." The family made their way outside into the courtyard, where they awaited the arrival of Daenerys.

The girl landed gracefully, her two new dragons landing with her following their rider. Daenerys ran her hands over their scales, praising them how well they flew and behaved themselves, thanking them for their services.

"Daughter, how good to see you." Rheanyra embraced her daughter first, the girl happily leaned into the hug enjoying the comfort her mother provided.

"You make me proud, Daenerys." Her father placed his arms around her shoulders, turning with her to look at the three dragons that stood before them.

Daenerys believed she got her dragon touch from him, he too had a way with the creatures. From taming the beasts to hunting and collecting their eggs. She watched as her father stepped towards vermithor, leaning his body into the dragons neck, scratching his scales.

"Get some fresh food for the dragons please, triple it. We've much to discuss." Rheanyra noticed the physical and emotional exhaustion in her daughters face, leading the girl inside the castle to show her to her room.

"Princess Rheanys informed us that you and eamond married." Daenerys hummed in response, slumping in the chair in her room, exhaustion washing over her.

Daenerys hid her face in her hands, she felt as though she'd been hit with thousands waves of emotions at once. But her mother sat across from her, wrapping her hands around the girls wrists so she could look at her face.

"He will come around, child. You're union binds our families together, you two are the balance between our sides." Rheanyra held her daughters face in her hands, brushing away the loose strands of hair that fell from her braids from her journey.

"I don't think so mother, I don't understand. I thought he felt for me but now I'm not so sure." Daenerys leaned into her mothers touch, appreciating that she was in her presence once again having been apart for so many years.

"You two remind me of your father and I, it was almost like watching a memory before my eyes. You two burn for each other, I have no doubt he will come for you soon." Rheanyra left her daughters chambers soon after, demanding that she rested after going through such an eventful experience.

Queen Rheanyra unfortunately lost her sixth child, a girl, visenya. It happened the day that Daenerys arrived, her mothers screaming travelling through the keep as her father plotted a war. Jacerys was summonsed to his side, being show how to treat those that disregard the true line of succession.

When Daenerys entered her mothers chambers, the midwives begged to let them help her but she refused, cursing their presence and to leave her be, they weeped and cried at the sight of the woman who was in visible pain, knowing something was wrong and coming too soon.

"I'm here mother, you can do this." Daenerys knelt before her mother, rubbing a cold cloth over her mothers face, brushing away her hair. The two women knew this outcome wasn't going to be good, but the girl support her mother as well as she could.

Daenerys held the small baby in her arms, wrapping a towel around its lifeless body. She wanted to cry, let herself be vulnerable but she didn't get that luxury. Daenerys suffered the loss of a sibling and husband, but her mother suffered the loss of her father and a child in one day, so she remained strong for her while her mother could grieve.

A funeral was held, the child burned like a true Targaryen. Daenerys stood with her brother, Lucerys taking it hard to see his mothers pain. But the grieving was short lived, as a war brew in the shadows, heading straight for them. A kings guard appeared, knelt before daemon who stood protecting his wife.

"I stand with my queen, with all my strength and give my blood for hers." The knight pulled a golden crown from his satchel, holding it above him to give to their rightful queen.

Daemon placed the crown on Rheanyras head, everybody bend at the knee to show their allegiance to the queen.

"Forgive my bluntness, your grace. But talk of men is noot when you have a much stronger power, dragons." A meeting was held straight after to discuss strategies, Daenerys saw a difference in her mother. The betray of Alicent switched a look in her eye, she was ready for battle.

"The greens have dragons."

"But we have more, one of riders bound to three." Daenerys raised her eyes to her father, who's gaze was already on the girl.

"Your grace, a ship has been spotted. Three headed green flag." Daemon was clearly hot headed, ready to end this war before it even begun. He wanted to mount the head of every green on his spike if he could, though Daenerys could see her mother was reserved on this matter.

Daemon gathered with the guards and their children at the bridge to the dragons stone keep, awaiting the arrival of Otto Hightower.

"I've been asked to delivery a message to Princess Rheanyra, where is the Princess ?" Just as his word finished, Rheanyra flew past with her dragon. Circling the greens, her dragon roaring in warning. It was a sigh for the hightowers, to show them what they are coming against.

"King Aegon the second, in his wisdom and to maintain peace is offering terms." Daenerys smiled to herself, knowing the nonsense that was to follow was definitely not of Aegons ideas.

Otto Hightower spoke of swearing alliegence to Aegon and awknoledge him as king, for the ownership to dragon stone that would pass down to Daenerys and Lucerys will be confirmed as legitimate heir to drift mark. Sons by Daemon will be given will also be given a place at the high court.

Daenerys watched as her mother stood still, tall as a rightful queen. But her father paced uncomfortably, twisting the swords in his arms, impatience clear.

"Finally, Daenerys will be welcomed back to kings landing and take her rightful place to serve her husband." None other than Aemond Targaryen decided to grace them with his presence, intently staring at Daenerys who he hadn't seen in days.

"I would rather feed my daughter and sons to the dragons, than have them carry shields and cups for your drunken, unsurper cunt of a king. And let you make a whore of my daughter." Daenerys smirked, watching her father defend not only his children but the crown.

"And Why are you here Aemond, just to represent your brother ?" Aemond didn't shift his gaze from Daenerys, ignoring her fathers approach towards him.

"No, im here for my wife." Daenerys stood straight, with her hands folded over her stomach, not flinching at the word wife, sliding so easily off his tongue.

"Are you ready to take your place by my side and my mothers."

"I will not betray my family, Daenerys."

"But you expect me to betray mine ?"

A pure blood storm- Aemond Targaryen Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum