The Secret Comes Out

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Song: older sibling playlist by Mxnic

"You have to help me take a shower so Mom won't see my nipple piercings."

Lilah snorted, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh. "You're 27 years old and afraid of Mom knowing you have nipple piercings?"

"No," Lonnie huffed. Her soft brown eyes flicked towards her little sister, a pout forming on her chapped lips. "I'm 27 years old and don't want Mom to see the nipple piercings I have. There's a difference."

Lilah groaned, careful of her sister's broken leg as she flopped on the king size bed. Lonnie's leg was wrapped in a pink cast and propped up on three pillows. It was Mrs. Lodovico's doing. She could tell by how neatly the pillows were stacked upon each other.

Mrs. Lodovico always kept their family townhouse in tip top shape no matter the season.

Lilah snuggled deeper into the blankets. Cotton, midnight blue, and they smelled like her sister. It wasn't a particular scent like something earthy or floral. Lilah could never place what the combination of aromas actually resembled. She just knew that whenever she smelled it, she was home.

"You've made it two weeks bathing on your own," she mumbled, face pressed into the mattress. "I'm sure you can make it until your leg heals."

Lonnie frowned, snatching a hard pillow out from behind her back and launching it at her sister. She watched with satisfaction as it hit Lilah in the head and laid flat on her back.

"Hey!" Lilah shot up. Her big white bow was all messed up and sticking out from the side of her head. "You're lucky you're crippled or I'd push you off this bed right now."

Lonnie laughed loudly, lacing her fingers behind her head. Her curly black hair was wrapped up in what she so affectionately called a bird's nest. It was really just a shitty bun but Lonnie, like Kiki, had a flair for the dramatics.

"Like your little chicken arms could make my thick ass budge." Lonnie poked at Lilah with her good foot, wiggling her toes in her sister's thick pajamas. "You're so cute, Lilah Bean."

"Get your nasty toes away from me!" Lilah swatted at Lonnie's brown feet, nose crinkled in disgust. "And I don't have chicken arms. They're just a little thin, that's all."

Lonnie's wide lips curled upwards into a broad smile. "Chicken arms. Itty bitty titties. Cute little Lilah Bean."

Lilah threw the discarded bow at Lonnie. Then elbowed her chest when it landed pitifully before it could hit its mark. "Leave my B cups alone. Not all of us can have jugs the size of melons like you."

They howled with laughter when both women looked at their chests instinctively. A giggle bubbled up in Lilah's throat when she held her itty bitties with a sad sigh.

"Maybe I should get nipple piercings too."

Lonnie's eyes lit up. "You should. Join me and Kiki on the dark side of subtle rebellion."

Lilah chuckled, fingers threading through her loose hair as she mulled it over. She wasn't afraid of needles. She knew no one would ever see them outside of hookups. So there was no way for the judgemental people of their circle to ostracize her for her choice.

Theoretically, she could do it.

Yet there was something within her, something deep down, that held her back. Something that wouldn't allow her to put a single toe out of line. It prevented her from being brave and taking the risks she so often wanted to try her hand at.

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