A Fresh Start

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Song: cozy coffee shop ambience by Relaxing Jazz Piano

The bell tinkled as Lilah stepped into one of her cafes. The line was so long that it curved and people were pressed against the wall. Lilah tightened her grip on her vintage messenger bag, forgoing the line and settling in a booth. Her fingers shook as she opened the handmade leather bag and fished out her laptop. While it turned on she opened her sky blue notebook and flipped to the last page she'd been jotting on.

Black ink and bullet points littered the lined page. Half of the list was crossed out in blue. They were ideas she had pitched to Mattie and the people that worked under them in an email. Most were rejected and with good reason. It sucked, at first, but the feedback was solid. Now Lilah had a clearer vision of the new strategies she wanted to implement. There was just one issue now.

She couldn't focus.

Brown waves fell over Lilah's face, masking her midnight eyes as she peered at the new barista. It was difficult, with her head lowered and the hustle and bustle of the loud cafe overwhelming her. The most she saw was a glimpse of fair skin and striking hazel eyes. Then someone would move and cut her line of sight off. Leaving Lilah to feel ashamed when she ducked her head to force herself to get back to work.

It never lasted long before her traitorous eyes drifted past Cole and back to Jill.

In the week that passed since she last saw Ambrose, Vincent told her bits and pieces about Jill. Nothing too personal, but enough for her to know that not only was she an important person to Vincent. But probably one of the most important people in Ambrose's life as well.

She was the one to convince Ambrose to allow Lilah to give him a genuine apology. Lilah hadn't worked up the nerve to do it yet, taking Vincent's advice to give him time to cool down. But she still felt indebted to the other woman and wanted to thank her in person.

But now that she saw Jill, Lilah found herself deprived of the necessary courage to approach her. She couldn't even order a cup of coffee and a yummy treat under an anonymous pseudonym. Lilah felt...


The crowd finally parted as waiting customers got their orders. Half of them stayed and the other half left. At least a good portion of them went with starry eyes or glanced over their shoulder to look back. Lilah had knots in her stomach. She wondered how the hell she was gonna approach someone that left her patrons looking like that.

A bubbling laugh caught her attention. When she looked back towards the register Jill was beaming. Positively radiant as she joked with the woman before her.

Her makeup was simple and light, making the crimson red lip she sported and strokes of gold highlight pop. Loose strands framed her angelic face and she had her chestnut hair wrapped into a low bun. Lilah noticed no ring on her finger as Jill made bold gestures and wrote the customer's name on a tall white cup.

Jill was like the sunlight that sunflowers were drawn to and Lilah...

She felt like she paled in comparison to Jill's cheery voice and sweet attitude. Every customer that left her presence left in a daze. Coins and bills splashed into the tip jar after almost every transaction. Then when Cole took over for her and it was her turn to make the drinks, Lilah could see her swaying to the calm jazz music. It was her first shift working and yet she was practically a pro as she whipped up order after order of coffee and tea.

Their eyes met and Lilah jolted when Jill raised a hand in greeting. She peeked over her shoulder just in case the wave wasn't met for her. Her face flamed when she was met with the back of a man's head. His dark curls were tightly coiled and strongly perfumed. When she turned Jill ducked her head, reaching for the whipped cream then calling out a name.

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