Nom nom

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George laughed as he watched Dream roll around on his hand. The little guy was so adorable, yet smart at the same time. "Dream?" George said, and Dream stopped rolling to look at him. "Can you do a flip?" George whispered. Dream nodded, and did a flip in George's hand. George was amazed. He has no feet, yet he's so agile. George got out his phone, and scrolled through his contacts, eventually reaching Karl's name. He pressed the dial button, and waited.



"Hey George!" Karl said over the phone.
"Karl, you wont believe what I found." George said, looking at Dream.
"Its a-" but George got a feeling like he didn't want to tell him. "Its nothing." George said, and hung up the phone. Dream cocked his head to the side, and George laughed. He got up to make a sandwich, and Dream rolled after him. George got to the kitchen, took out the cheese, and the bread, and the turkey. Suddenly George felt a nudge on his leg, and looked down to see Dream. He lifted Dream up to the counter,and Dream looked at the food. George smiled.
"You hungry, buddy?" George asked, and Dream nodded. George gave him a piece of cheese, and as soon as Dream touched his mouth to it, it vanished. Literally. George stared in shock, while Dream spun around in circles.
"That... What?" George said, looking at Dream. The blob looked at him, and George laughed, before making his sandwich. Dream watched him, not taking its eyes off of George. Suddenly, George accidentally cut himself with a knife.
"Ah! My finger!" George yelled, clutching his finger in pain. Dream suddenly lunged forward, and hit his head on George's bleeding cut.
"Dream what the f-" George's voice trailed off as he realized the wound healed.

Magic boi

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