Karl acting like a top... Wait what?!

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This chapter is for you KarlNap shippers. Enjoy 😉

Back at the house

Sapnap groaned in pain in his sleep, half awake. Through the fog of his sleepy mind, he felt his arms shift against what felt like multiple tight ropes, and his eyes snapped open. He looked around in confusion, struggling to get out of the ropes that bound him to the old, wooden chair he was sat upon.
"Oh, you're awake!" Said a voice, and Sapnap looked up to see a boy with light brown, curly and messy hair, and gray-ish blue-ish eyes. From the information Sapnap's team had learned before he was sent here, he was able to remember that their name was Karl. "You." Sapnap snarled. "Where are the others that were, too? Don't you know this is a crime, kidnapping a Fbi agent!"  Karl stepped back quickly.
"You came in here first to investigate, so technically I didn't kidnap you." Karl said in defense. "Though I guess I did shove you into a closet, then fought you, so I guess we are in a lot of trouble..." His voice trailed off. Sapnap jumped at the chance to distract him more, while his hands were working on untying the knot behind him. "What was that thing I saw your friend grab as he went out his window?" Sapnap asked in annoyance. "You can't hide whatever that alien thing is, we're gonna catch you and take it away after sending you all to jail!" Karl  suddenly walked forward, grabbing what looked like duct tape.
"Well, I don't think you need to worry about that." Karl said with a mischievous smirk that sent chills down Sapnap's spine. He grabbed the back of the chair and leaned it forward so that Sapnap was face-to-face with him. "I've made sure that you won't be able to break out of those ropes, so you're not going to be leaving anytime soon." Karl spoke this in a whisper, making Sapnap feel his stomach... Start to flutter? He wondered what that was about. Suddenly he realized Karl was pulling off a strand of duct tape.
"Wait, no, don't you dare." Sapnap said, realizing what he was doing and starting to struggle against the ropes again. "Don't you d-" Karl taped his mouth, cutting him off. Karl stepped back, and watched as Sapnap made a variety of noises against the tape while trying to talk.
"Well, that's an improvement." Karl said. "Now you're quieter. Also, yeah, we're in my room, so now I have to sleep on the couch, so I'm suffering from this too!" He joked, then turned around and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Hope you enjoyed this short chapter that for some reason took me a while to make 😐
Word count: 472

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