The explanation

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George jumped, and turned around to see Karl looking inside of the cabinet he had hidden Dream in. He quickly jumped in front of Karl, grabbed Dream, and sprinted out of the room, reaching his bedroom and locking the door behind him. Dream jumped from George's hand onto his shoulder, and George backed up as he heard Karl's footsteps coming down the hall.
"George what the hell is that thing!" He heard Karl yell from outside his door. Karl started knocking on the door, while George started to freak out.
"Its nothing! Don't worry about it-" George said hurriedly, but then he realized the Karl had stopped knocking and yelling for him to open the door. He sat down, relieved. Dream slowly hopped down from his shoulder, and looked up at him. "Dream, you have to hide." George said, but Dream shook his head. George sighed, but then flinched as a banging sound came from his window. He realized with dread that his window was unlocked, and Karl was slowly opening it. He rushed to the door, frantically trying to unlock it.
"George, stop!" Karl said from right behind him. He jumped, and turned around. "H-hey Karl..." He muttered. Karl glared at him. "What was that thing? Was it like a clay design thing?" Karl asked. "Or was it something alive? It looked like it had a smiley face." Karl continued pelting him with questions, and George looked over to the bed, where Dream was watching. Karl followed George's eyes and looked over. They all stood in silence for a moment until Karl lunged at Dream, and the blob rolled away from him. George turned around, trying desperately to unlock the door as he heard Karl crashing around behind him, trying to catch Dream. Finally! George thought as he managed to unlock the door. "Dream, run!" He yelled, and Dream quickly hopped out of the room.
George stood in Karl's way, and Karl sighed. George, what is that thing?" Karl asked sternly. George shook his head, not wanting to speak. Karl pushed him out of the way and ran after Dream. George fell and hit his head on the door handle, starting to black out as he laid there on the floor. The last thing he saw was Dream peering at him, and then he blacked out.

George woke up on the couch, slowly becoming aware of light shining through his eyelids. He sat up, and looked around. Karl was sitting across from him on the table, watching him.
"George, you're awake! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you!" Karl stated,clearly in distress. "I just saw that... Thing, and all irrational thought left me." Karl hung his head, and George yawned. "Its okay dude, but... Did you... Catch it?" George asked, and when Karl shook his head, he grinned. "Oh thank god." He said, and Karl looked back up at him. "What was it?" Karl asked. George sat forward and rubbed his forehead, trying to come up with a good explanation. That's when he saw Dream from the corner of his eye, standing near the hallway. The blob looked serious, or, well, as serious as a blobish thing with a smiley face on it can look. George watched quietly as Dream bopped his head up and down, almost as if he was dancing to some music. George almost smiled at how cute it was.
"What-!" George shouted in surprise, almost falling off the couch as Karl snapped his fingers, breaking George out of a somewhat trance. George sighed, and turned his attention back to Karl. "Well, I don't know exactly, but I named him Dream. I found him earlier today. I've realized that he is extremely intelligent." George explained, and watched as Karl's expression went from worry to curiosity, which was quickly replaced by a look of decision-making. Karl stood up. "Well, we should turn it into the fbi. We have no idea what it could be." Karl said, and that's when a crumpled up piece of paper hit him and George nearly fell in surprise.

George jumped up, and looked in the direction it had come from to see Dream standing on the ground near them by a bunch of torn up peices of paper. Karl looked over, too, and jumped towards Dream. George watched as Dream rolled away, and George quickly ran over to scoop him up. Karl hit the ground with a thud, and slowly got up. George watched as Karl looked at him and sighed. "George, why are you protecting it?" Karl asked. George sighed, and help Dream closer. "He feels speical. And look, he's so smart, imagine what the government would do to him." George exclaimed, and he watched Karl look at Dream, then crack a smile. "Alright, we can keep him." Karl said,and held out his fist for a fist bump. George leaned in and completed it, and they both laughed. Even Dream seemed to smile wider.


George woke up two days later to the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen. He sat up slowly, sunlight streaming in from his windows. Wait. George thought, looking around. Where's Dream? George jumped up, and tore open the door, quickly sprinting down the hallway. He stumbled to a stop to catch his breath, and heard the laughter again. George walked into the kitchen, and cracked a smile as he took in the scene before him. Karl was sitting on the ground, and Dream was doing flips and rolling around. Each time Dream rolled into something, or did a double flip, Karl would laugh. Karl looked up, and George felt guilty for interrupting their fun.
"Hey George." Karl said, nodding to him. George nodded back and walked over to their fridge, and opened it to start looking for a drink. He winced when he realized they would need to go food shopping soon. He grabbed an orange juice and sat down, uncapping it and taking a sip. The fresh, pleasant taste hit his tongue, and and he took another sip before putting the cap back on. George set the bottle on the table, and felt something on his foot. He looked down to see Dream nuzzling against his leg, and he smiled. He reached down to pet Dream, and the blob bopped his head against George's hand, and then looked up at George. George laughed, and looked up as Karl sat down across from him and stretched.
Together, they watched Dream roll, jump, and flip around the room. George took another sip of his drink, and smiled. This, George thought to himself, is a perfect morning so far.


Sorry for not uploading lately, I've been busy.  Next chapter will be out as soon as I find time to write it.
Word count: 1144

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