FBI most wanted

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George stared at Dream, Dream stared back. It was almost peaceful, except for the chaotic humming that the blob was now doing.
"Dream... Did you just... Speak?" George asked in a wondrous voice. Instead of nodding yes or no, the blob did a flip onto the dashboard, and started rolling around. George looked down to notice his dropped phone. As he bent down to pick it up, loud voices could be heard up ahead in the alleyway. George grabbed Dream, pulling him off the dashboard as George jumped into the backseats and crouched down in front of the seats, out of view from in front of the wind shield and the front windows. As the voices got closer, he cupped both his hands around Dream.
"I'm just saying Quackity, we need money." One of the voices said. Another voice laughed. "Good luck with that. I spent hours crying in a bathtub." Said the other voice, who George assumed to be this "Quackity" person. "I need money more then you do." The two voices lowered to muttering, and then George heard two thumps. Those people had hopped onto a sitting position on his car. He would have gotten out to yell at them, but he had to protect Dream.
"I'm just saying, you can't keep on doing that... Stuff." The first voice said. "Its unhealthy, and you never let me do any."
"I'll keep doing crack until I cry my eyes out, okay Fundy?" The second voice snapped. "Now, rob this car and meet me at the capital, this was your idea." George could hear footsteps walking away, and the first voice grumbling. A few moments later, just as George was about to stand up, he heard the car door being forced open. He stayed crouched as what sounded like one of the men outside fumbled around, and noise stopped. George looked up- straight into the eyes of a white man with orange paint on his face, and a fox hat.
"Hey, I'm just gonna rob you."

George acted on instinct. He threw Dream at the man, and Dream started running around, earning a shriek from the dude as he backed up and fell out of the car in terror. George hopped into the front seats, grabbing a zig-zagged blue knife, and leaping from the car's open door. He landed on the man in front of him, driving the knife into his arm.
"Tell me now, who are you?" George demanded.
"I'm just a guy named Fundy!" The man said nervously. "W-What is that... Creature?" George looked back at the car, and saw Dream poking his little blob head around the side. George pushed off of Fundy, stumbling back towards the car. He got in, moved Dream, slammed the door shut, and gunned the engine. As it roared to life, he shot out of the alleyway, and into the streets. Dream had resumed that humming noise, and it seemed to help calm George down. His breathing calmed down, and his heart stopped racing. Up on buildings nearby, giant screens flashed broadcasts of the news, or different ads. Dream hid in the cup holder, out of sight from other cars. It wasn't long before George heard police sirens, and looked back. Behind a few cars, were twelve different police cars, with city's flag painted on the sides. George cursed under his breath, and swerved suddenly onto the next street, pinning the gas pedal down and shooting down the street. As the situation turned into a full on car chase, George looked at Dream for a moment.
"I won't let them get you, Dream." He promised to the blob. "No matter what." As George said this, he swerved into a construction site and went off a ramp. The car flew, and George felt weightless for a moment before the car slammed back down onto the ground and George turned onto another street. He could still hear the cop cars chasing him, but the sound was beginning to become distant. Suddenly a sleek black Lambo pulled up besides him, both cars zooming down the street. As the car drove, the window went down, and George could see  the face of a man wearing a blue beany. He looked over at George as they drove.
"I am Agent Skeppy from the CIA!" The man yelled. "I command you to pull over now, hand over the secret, and tell us the whereabouts of Agent Sapnap!" George just rolled up his window, and drifted down another street. He had no idea why he was willing to become a criminal to protect Dream, but he didn't care. George knew what they would do with Dream if they got ahold of him. He didn't want Dream to go through pain. As George turned onto another street, his wheel caught in a pothole and his car spun out of control, spinning and spinning around until crashing into a tree.

Wilbur and Tommy

Wilbur sat on a roof, holding his guitar and re-tuning it. That's what he did when he got nervous. behind him, Tommy was whacking things with a fake wooden sword.
"I wonder if George and Dream are alright." Wilbur said aloud. "And Karl too." He sighed and strummed a cord. It twanged out, making Wilbur cringe. He went back to re-tuning it, until Tommy came up and took it from him.
"Wilbur, you're gonna give us away." Tommy said with a grin. "And if anything, you should at least be on the lookout for cops or something." As Tommy walked away with his guitar, Wilbur narrowed his eyes at him, thinking about the best way to commit murder with a guitar. He opened his mouth to say something, but then the door to the building stairs burst open, and a person wearing a dark black hoodie with red linings rolled onto the roof, grabbing Tommy and holding him in a arm lock. Wilbur's eyes widened as he recognized the bandana mask on the person's face. This was the person who after every crime related thing in the city happened, would give a speech. The man that all criminals feared running into, and everyone knew that.
"Badboyhalo." Wilbur whispered.
"Its Chief Badboyhalo to you, muffinhead." The commander of the C.I.A said. "And you two are being taken in for aiding in the escape of a man named George."

At the house

As evening light filtered through the windows, Karl yawned and strolled through the house. Sleeping on the couch had been rough on his back, and he needed his energy if he had to deal with the C.I.A agent. Karl didn't regret what he had done, because he had made up his mind a long time ago that if George ever was running from the police, Karl would help him. He grabbed a banana, and walked towards his bedroom. He knocked twice, and walked in. For a moment, Sapnap froze. The two stared at each other before Karl walked over, and ripped the tape off of Sapnap's mouth.
"Fuck that hurt!" Sapnap swore. "How dare you-" he was interrupted by Karl shoving a peeled banana in his mouth.
"Eat." Karl said tiredly. "I don't have all day."

Dreamy Little Blob (DNFWhere stories live. Discover now