The greens

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    George sighed from frustration, and sat back. He was close to finishing his 1000 piece puzzle that looks like a burning house, but he was down to one piece left, and the last piece was missing. He stretched and got up from his desk in his room, and walked down the hallway to Karl's room. He knocked on the door, while wondering where Dream was.
"Come in!" George heard Karl shout, and he opened the door and sat down besides him on his bed, and watched the screen of Karl's TV. Karl was playing on his Xbox, and as George watched Karl score goal after goal in rocket league,  George thought back to when he gave it to Karl. Suddenly he heard snoring from Karl's pillow, and looked over to see Dream curled up on it, sleeping. The blob's body rose and fell in an adorable way each time he snored. George smiled to himself, before noticing something that made his eyes widen.
"Karl... Look." George whispered, pointing to Dream. He watched as Karl slowly looked towards Dream, and watched a flurry of emotions cross Karl's face, first confusion and then to worry mixed with slight terror. George quickly got up and crept up to Dream, and poked him. The blob hopped up and rolled off the bed, and landed on a patch of sunlight streaming in through the window. But the sunlight revealed that they were not just seeing things.
Dream's whole body was ever so slightly tinted green.


George paced around the kitchen nervously, Karl and Dream watching him. George sat down, and looked across the kitchen to where Dream was on the counter. The blob was indeed slightly tinted green, but not enough to be visible if you didn't look hard enough. But Dream was acting the same way as usual, seemingly cheery. George sighed and shared a glance with Karl, who was leaning against the fridge. And that's when a crashing noise came from the counter, and both George and Karl flinched. They looked over at Dream, who had just nocked a cup on the floor. George sighed in relief, but then stared, open mouthed, as Dream bounced around skillfully and cleaned up the broken pieces. Karl started to laugh, and George joined in
"Whew. Dream, don't do that again." George said, still slightly laughing. Thats when George saw something out of the corner of his eye; a flash of movement outside of the window closest to them, in the living room. What the hell? George thought to himself as he shushed Karl. They sat in silence for a few moments, even Dream standing still. "What?" Karl whispered. George looked over at him.
"I think that one neighbor is looking in again. They probably heard the noise." George explained. Minutes later there was a knock on the door. George motioned for Karl and Dream to stay in the kitchen, and slowly got up, making his way out the kitchen and to the door. George took a deep breath before opening the door and smiling. Before him stood a tall, attractive male around 6'5, with brown hair and brown eyes. He smiled kindly, a charming smile that would make most girls shriek.
"Hey, Wilbur." George said cheerfully, hoping he wouldn't be too concerned about the noise.

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