Karl screams

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A bit after Techno had left, George was watching a movie with Dream, and the blob was jumping around crazily. George sighed, paused the movie, and looked at Dream. Dream stopped bouncing around and looked at him.
"Are you even watching this? Or should I turn it off?" George asked. The blob jumped onto the unpause button, and the movie continued. George couldn't help but laughing. He looked back at the movie, which was a romance movie of a girl who gets amnesia and falls in love with her boyfriend all over again. Suddenly George feels something on his shoulder, and turns to see Dream staring into his eyes. George shift uncomfortably, but the tension increases as Dream moves closer.
"George I'm home!" Karl shouts, opening the door. George rushes to the kitchen, and hides Dream in the snack cabinet. He sits down just as Karl walks in, and George smiles. "How was your day, Karl?" George asks calmly. Karl shrugs.
"Well, I ran four miles every two hours today, that was fun." Karl says, and George nods. George watched as Karl walked past the snack cabinet he had hidden Dream in, silently praying that Karl wouldn't find Dream? He let out a sigh of relief when Karl instead opened the fridge. He turned around, and heard the fridge door close. He was about to turn back around when he heard Karl scream.
"What the FU-"

Sorry that this chapter was another short one,but I'll try and make next chapter as long as possible.
Word count: 258

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