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a laugh had escaped from me. he looked surprised. 

i have always heard of the cold nature of this man i was dancing with. Watching him dancing was not something i thought i will witness so soon. 

"what do you mean?" his voice was like whisper.

"i never thought you could dance. i thought you were far away from doing anything other than work" he looked at me and then smirked.

"i know more than just dance sweetheart. and i can show it to you" he again whispered. my legs were slowly started to shake due to my weak knees. his handsome face was not helping me either. 

"i didnt mean that! i said you seem to just work" 

"i dont blame you my reputation is like this only" i nodded slowly. i gulped thinking if i should ask him what i have been thinking about all this time. 

"i wanted to ask you something if you dont mind" he was looking somewhere behind me. listening to me his eyes dropped to my face. my heart started  to beat at a faster pace and i didnt knew where to look.

"yes, go on" he looked unaffected. i took a deep breath and finally asked.

"why do you want to marry me? you dont seem like the type of person who will marry someone without a reason. And I don't think you're the type to believe in love either. So, why?"

His shoulders shake and then he looks at me with a glint in his eyes. As if the otherwise dark night got some stars.

"You seem to read people quite well darling" He said with a small barely noticeable twitch of his lips.

"I-i mean-" I was cutt off.

"You're right. I am not the type to believe in love. I am marrying you because my business has a clause which states that a man over the age of thirty years needs to be married to own the company"

He seemed nice. Otherwise someone might've lied to me about this saying they actually liked me.

"So marriage of convenience?" I blurted out.

"You can say that." I hummed at his answer. "Then... Will you..?" I trailed off not wanting to spoil the mood. But this was a genuine question for me.

"Go on, ask me whatever you want" He said. The intensity of his eyes matched the heat of his palm planted on my back so firmly.

"Will you have other affairs after marrying me?" I asked which made him smirk.

"You want the answer? Are you sure?" He said with an amusing tone.

"If the answer is yes... Then beware that I'll do the same" I said confidently. I wasn't one to back off Or be scared of this man. If he intended on marrying me even for Buisness reasons he needed to know that I didn't do contacts on my personal life. So he better be a loyal partner or I know tit for tat very well.
His eyes turned dark and his grip around me tightned.

"I am not that type of man. Also, I don't think you'll be pleased to be the reason of someone's slow and painful death"
"Didn't took you for that type either" I said.

"What type?" He asked looking curious.

"Dominating.... Something about dominating men I don't have a liking for them" I said looking at him with a challenging tone.

"Do you? Because I can feel the desire of being controlled from you"

"That's not true" He smirked and his one hand pushed the hairs back from my shoulders before leaning in and whispering in my ears..

"Tell me sweetheart, aren't you a good little girl who likes to be told what to do?" He pulled himself back but the smirk was at its place.

"You seem to have misjudged me"

"One thing about me, I read people not judge them." He said in a low voice and then pulled me closer that I crashed into him. "You'll soon start to love being with a dominant man"

The lights came back as the song ended and he left me and stepped back.

"I loved dancing with you, miss hermes" He said as he walked away. As I just stood their staring at him. And he was then no where to be seen.

Tangled FatesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang