leo pov

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Kissing Zara Hermes was never my plan. It just happened in the heat of the moment. I wasn't one to lose my control. Ever. Yet she made me lose every bit of control I had over me. Right before I kissed her. And I definitely shouldn't have done what I did.
The whole party I had to keep my distance from her. Because the thought of touching her again made my brain foggy. And all the rational thoughts left my mind. So I kept my distance. I obviously couldn't stay away from her. That would be suspicious.
But all this happened because I saw her with someone she has no business knowing. She knew Richard. That wasn't the part of the plan.
She doesn't realise that Richard is not just a normal businessman but a part of mafia. One which is my enemy at that.
My blood boiled watching her so happy around him. That bastard would pay for touching her. He will.
I looked at the passanger seat to see Zara sleeping peacefully. I had offered to drop her home and she'd agreed after seeing my expressions. They made it clear that no was not the best answer right now. Not when she knew the consequences of her defying me.
No matter what I try, I should just change my plan. Because if I keep on including Zara in this plan than I might lose. Because no matter how much I wanted to say no, I realised she was making me do things I didn't do usually.
The date for which I asked her was not in the plan. Not that I didn't use it to get some information from her. But she still made me irrational. And I was anything but that.
My every action had it's own reason. Reason that would cause me some advantage. Always. No matter what. Yet today when I touched Zara, I didn't wanted to leave her. At that moment it didn't matter if this was at my disadvantage. But doing so felt almost right at that moment.
I took a sharp turn while driving which led me towards her Mansion.
It was as if she knew we are here she opened her eyes.
She rubbed them a little and looked at me.
Her lipstick was smudged.
"Thank you for the ride." She said. Even though it was dark I could still see her pink cheeks.
Fucking adorable.
I sighed.
"Call me when you reach home." She said again.
I paused.
I looked at her.
"What?" I asked.
"Call me when you reach home?" She said. Almost as a question now.
I stared at her.
She wanted me to call her.
"Why?" I asked. She looks at me confused of my question.
"So that i know you reached home safely." I nodded.
"Will do." I said and she smiled before getting out of the car and walking inside.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
This is messed up.
I shouldn't have replied so easily. So early. Almost as if it was obvious.
It wasn't.
Not for me.
I don't do that shit.
Yet I agreed to do so.
No fucking idea.
I then started my car and left her place.

By 1:30 am I had managed to reach home. My home is in the complete opposite direction from Zara's yet I asked her to come with me.
Another irrational decision.
They're increasing every passing minute.
And then my phone rings. Whenever my phone rings it sends me to high alert because barely anyone has my number. Only a few people who are close to me do.
I look at the caller I'd
Of course I gave her my number. This wasn't an irrational decision.
I read somewhere that
Keep your friends close and enemies closer.
She is my enemy.
She isn't aware of that.
But she is.
And she's done enough damage after walking in my life as she could. Without even trying.
I pick up the call.
"Hello?" I speak as I place the phone near my ear.
"Leo?" Her voice is almost panicked.
"What happened?" I asked. Something inside me feeling a little uneasy as I hear her panicked voice.
"Oh my god are you okay?" She says.
"Yes. What will happen to me?" I say as I sit down on the couch. Confused of her sudden concern.
"You didn't call me. I was so worried. So many bad though-" She cut herself off. "Anyways, I am glad you're fine."
She... Was worried?
Why for me of all people?
"You were worried?" I asked quietly.
"Of course I was. You didn't call me." She said as if that answers the millions of questions I had
"Why?" I asked. The lines goes silent for a beat. Two. And then she speaks again.
"What do you mean, why? You're my fiance. A part of my family. So I am obviously worried for your well-being." She says. Her voice soft. As if it wasn't already soft.
"Oh." That's all came out of my mouth.
"Good night. It's late. Let's sleep." She says. Her voice tells me she is smiling.
"Good night." I say. And cut the call.
Staring blankly at the wall.
She called me her what?
It made me laugh.
So fucking irrational of me to laugh.
But I did.
I don't know.
But do I care?
Not now.
Not at the moment.
And no matter what my intentions are. The word family made my heart beat. Beat as in beat.
And no matter what I plan on doing with them.. Right now I savour that word.
And do what feels right.
Because that's the only place I am able to escape The fucking Zara Hermes.
The only place where she doesn't haunt my thoughts.
So I go to bed.
And fucking sleep.

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