zara pov

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I entered the hall where the party was happening. I had checked a few arrangements and then left to get ready for the party myself. There were many Businessman around. It was past 8 and I was looking around to get a glance of one person.
Leo. He was still not here. I turned towards the other side of the hall to walk but a voice stopped me.
"Zara" Leo called out. And I turned almost instantly.
He stared back at me. He... I don't think I have words left to say. Every time I see him, it feels like the first time. He surprises me with his looks.
He walks up to me and looks at me.
"Hey" He says.
"Hey.. You're here." I say.
"I am." He replies.
"Let's go meet the guests." I say and he nods.
I was about to walk when his hand sneaked onto my waist making my eyes a little wide but I composed myself.
We met some of the people I knew and introduced Leo to them. But they already knew him. And I just stood there quietly as he talked to the guests. But it was good. I was always asked to make connections and go ahead and talk to people. But it feels like I don't need to do that anymore. I am standing beside Leo and letting him talk. While he steals some glances at me from time to time.
It's been one hour since he arrived and we just ended our conversation with one of our guests.
Leo didn't take his hands off of me for one second. For the past one hour his hand is resting on my waist.
I looked up at him and then tried to ask if he would like to have some snacks but I was interrupted by a phone call.
His phone rang and he took it out. It looked important so he lifted his hands from my waist and looked at me.
"This is important. I'll be back." I nodded letting him wander off to somewhere more quiet.
I sighed and decided to get myself some water. I was about to walk away when someone called me making my eyes wide.
"Rabbit!" The name made me jerk my head in the direction of the voice only to see Richard.
He is my best friend. We went to college together and then opened our business together. Our busy schedules made it almost impossible for us to meet. And just like that we fell apart. But looking at him now makes me wonder if we really did.
I smiled widely and rushed towards him.
"Oh my god! Richhie! I missed you!" I said and looked at him. He was smiling as well.
"Oh really? You didn't even call me!" He said complaining.
"As if you did." I rolled my eyes.
"I was busy!" He countered.
"As if I was free." I said.
"Okay okay! Let's not fight. Now tell me. How's my little rabbit going?" He said making me smile again.
"I am doing great." I smiled.
"I was wondering if you were dating someone?" He said in a voice that made me look at him. He knew it all and just asking me.
"Oh yeah I am. Getting married." I said.
"Look at you blush." He said and pinched my nose. "So who's the guy?" He asked.
"Me." I startled at Leo's voice. I didn't realise he was back. But as I looked at him I regretted doing so. Because he looked... Angry. His jaws clenched.
"Oh" Richard was smirking at Leo. I looked at Leo's hands to see them in fists. "Nice to meet you Mr..?" Richard trailed off.
Leo walked over to me and took my hand in his.
"Let's spare the formalities. Excuse me, I need my wife." He said and started dragging me with him.
My heart beat quickened at my wife. But I then got out of my thoughts only to see Leo dragging me towards a corridor. It was secluded and no one came here.
"Leo, that was rude." I spoke up. He stopped and then turned around. His eyes were dark. Darker than usual.
"Rude? Zara.. Don't test me." He said in a low voice but it was intimidating.
"He is my friend! You shouldn't disrespect him." I said. I wasn't one to back down. He can be angry all he want but I have my own opinions and he won't intimidate me.
"Friend?" He scoffed. "Do you even know him?" He said making me frown.
"What? What do you mean?" I asked him. He went silent and just stared at me.
"Just don't meet him from now on." He said. And was about to walk away but I spoke up.
"You can't make that decision." He turned around. His eyebrows raised.
"Of course I can." He said. Matter of factly.
"I already told you that I don't like dominating people." It made him smirk. And my heart beat picked up.
He took steps toward me. Slowly. As if giving me a choice to walk away. Run. But I didn't. I won't. Why will I? I am not scared of him.
He came closer and stood In front of me. His face showed no hint of a joke.
I opened my mouth and was about to say something when his hand held my throat. It made my eyes wide. It was not in a life threatening way. Instead it was in a way which made him look more powerful. Dominating.
And I didn't seem to object.
His thumb caressed my neck right above the pulse.
He smirked again.
"And I told you that you like being told what to do." He whispered. Because he was so close.
"No. I don't." I retorted. Even though it was far from true right now. I didn't feel scared or threatened. I felt good. Excited even. And that was weird.
If it were for someone else, I would've pushed them away. I would've showed them what it feels like to be kicked in the balls. But i surprisingly let him do anything to me.
He chuckled.
He pushed me back and my back hit the wall.
He was standing close. So close.
I almost couldn't breathe.
"Let's check. Shall we?" He said as his hand moved down towards my chest. He tugged at the V of my dress and pulled me towards him.
Our lips inches away from each other.
But he was staring into my eyes.
"Next time I see him near you, I'll bury him underground. And pleasure you over his grave. Got it?" He said daringly. And i knew he would step away if I argued any further.
So, I nodded.
His eyes shone with amusement before he held the back of my neck and kissed me.
My heartbeat was so fast I could hear it. I gripped his collar as he kissed me. His one hand gripping me by the neck and his other end playing with the slit of my dress.
He caressed my thigh and then pushed the cloth aside. I made a sound only for him to deepen the kiss.
His hand traced the line of my panty as he cupped me.
"So fucking wet" He whispered against my lips before kissing me harder.
He caressed me and then pulled his hand away.
After one second he pulled away from the kiss too.
He looked at me and smirked.
"You are so wet."
I was still breathing heavily. Couldn't speak.
"And you tell me, you don't like it?" He chuckled.
He then came close again.
"Liar" He whispered against my ears before stepping back. "Let's go. People must be waiting for us."
He said and pulled me with him after making sure my dress and make-up looked fine. And definitely not as if we just made out.

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