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Zara wasn't fine. Nothing, was a lie. I knew it. Because if being in the underworld has given me something then it's the ability to look through people. Even through their voices. And her's was clearly trembling. So I call my guard because I need her to be fine. Not because I care, no. I don't. But because I need her. I need her for my mission. And as long as I'd like for this to end soon, I can't rush into things. I love to read between the lines and do everything in my power to make sure I am getting what I want.

"Get me zara's phone information and find out whoever called her." I tell my guard.
If it's something regarding a phone call, then her phone info will give me the required Information. But it can be more than that.
"Give me the information related to any abnormal activities around her. Whether it's the office or her home. Got it?" My guard nods and then I signal him to leave. He does.

Till then I continue to look through the paperwork scattered across my table, when Aiden decides to disturb me.
"Boss, what are you doing?" He says. He isn't one for formalities but decides to call me boss when he wants some things. Or sometimes when he is just in the mood to annoy the shit out of me.
Being with him as given me alot of patience. That's a good thing. But I'd rather have him not annoy me.
"What does it look like I am doing?" I say still going through papers.
"I heard you are getting married?" He says. His voice teasing. Of fucking course.
"And?" I look up finally to see him settled in front of me. His eyes on me.
"And you didn't tell me?" I roll my eyes.
"What are you?" I say.
"Your one and only friend." It takes everything in me to not roll ny eyes on him again. I just stare at him. And he gives up and sighs.
"At least tell me when you take such steps in your life." He says and his tone is switched to a genuine one from the previous teasing one.
"It happened too fast." He hums.
"So who is the unlucky girl?" He says. It makes my lips twitch.
"Zara Hermes" That's all I say. Because he knows who she is by her surname alone.
"Why are you marrying the Hermes's only daughter? Do you not know what they've done?" I stare at him. He can't be that oblivious.
"That's why I am marrying her. To get revenge on what they did in the past. No one gets away from messing with me." His eyes widens in surprise but I stay calm.
"Dude... I don't believe you. Why are you ruining her life when she doesn't even know what his father is?" He says with an urgency. Urgency to make me stop. Urgency to save her.
I look away from him.
Her only mistake is that she was born to the wrong father. And no matter what I'll do she'll still hate me because he is her father... Or not.
"She wouldn't know. Because noone will tell her." I say with nonchalance.
"Yeah? What about her father? Will he stay quiet?" I smirk.
"Of course he will. The day he will open his mouth in front of his daughter will be the last day of his life." He shakes his head visibly annoyed. But I don't care.
"You are ruining her life you know?"
I raise my eye brows at him.
"You're seriously taking side of a girl who you don't even know? Over me?" I ask almost in disbelief.
"Yes because whatever we do, we do to people who deserve it. No matter how blurred our lines of right or wrong are, we don't punish innocent people. And she is just that, innocent. You've met her didn't you? So how can you be so..... Heartless?" I stare at my documents and then lift my gaze to him.
"Our line of work doesn't allow us to have a heart. Also, I told you she will not find out. So if you really have a problem deal with it. Because if I will deal with it? It won't be nice." I threaten him. Not something I usually do but sometimes he needs to stay out of my business.
I get up from my desk and walk to stand in front of him. I take out the photo I have of Zara and show him.
"This is her. Zara Hermes."
He stares at her picture in my hands and his eyes shine. Almost smiling.
"She's beautiful" I put the picture back and look at him.
She indeed is beautiful.
So fragile.
So vulnerable.
So Breakable.
But I've never been one to handle things with care. In fact care is the last thing I do.
But I don't like the way his eyes shine while looking at her picture.
She is mine to break. So he better not come close to her. Because his Bone will be the first to break.
He then distracts himself and then looks up at me. I go back to sit on my chair when he speaks up again.
"We have a meeting with the Russo's tomorrow." He says Italian. Because while there's no one around us we can't take the risk of people knowing about our business. People here rarely speaks Italian so it's good. I then remember that I had asked zara for a dinner date. This can be a way to find out if she really is this innocent or it's all a facade. So I look up at Adrian and shake my head.
"Postpone the meeting. I have some important work tomorrow." He narrows his eyes on me and I almost roll mine again.
"Don't tell me it includes meeting Zara Hermes?" I am almost almost surprised that how he knows it but then again. He knows everything when it comes to me so it's not even a surprise anymore.
So I just nod my head.
He shakes his.
"You're really going too far with this you know that?" I almost scoff.
"After what they did to me? No. That's not even half of it." I say.
He again shakes his head.
"I know we've taken a few revenges in the past but this one is much more worse than any of the previous ones. I just want to tell you not to loose yourself just because you want to make someone regret their deeds. Our work doesn't make us God. So if you are really going as far as to get married? I think you should think thoroughly. And I am saying this because I care for you." He walks over to me and pats my back before turning away. "I have a meeting in a few so I better get going." He doesn't look back and walks out of my office.
I stare at the door for a few seconds and then turn away.
No matter what he says, I need this. The revenge. And even if I loose myself or my damn life. I don't care. All I care about is, giving the Hermeses what they deserve. No matter what.

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