leo pov

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My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. Checking the caller I'd, I saw Zara's name. That's rare.
She doesn't call. She never calls. She is not a call person. But she has. That must mean something. So I pick it up just after the third ring.
"Hello?" I say. My voice sounds impatient.
"Hey.. I umm.. I just-... " She tries to say. Her voice is nervous. And it makes me more......bothered.
"What is it Zara?" I can hear her take a deep breath and then she finally speaks up sounding just a little less anxious.
"I wanted to ask.. If you are okay with coming to a party. It is organized by me. And now that we're.. Yk? So... " She trails off, unsure of what to say. My first thought was to make her say it all.
That we're getting married.
Why she sounds so ashamed. It triggered me somehow. And that was rare. So I took. In a deep breath and spoke up.
"When is the party?" I said and I again heard her sigh in relief. It almost made me smirk.
"Next weekend. It's actually because our company closed off a big deal and it is also to announce our arrangement." She says.
"I will be there. Though it would've been better if you would've called it a marriage instead of an arrangement." I said though calmly.
"Huh? Oh- yeah I meant marriage."
I hummed.
"I'll be there. What time?" I asked, checking my schedule.
"8 pm." She replied.
"Okay" I said and hung up the call.
I looked through my paper work and sorted some things out before getting up to leave.
As I was about to walk out my phone buzzed. I checked the phone only to see a message from Aiden.

Come to the warehouse. ASAP.

What can be the reason? It's almost night. We rarely meet at the warehouse that too at this time of the day. Sensing the tension I rushed out of my office towards my car.
Within half an hour I reached the warehouse. Even though it is located outside of the city in a secluded area where there are barely any buildings but some factories.
As I opened the gate of the warehouse a smirk made it's way to my lips at the scene in front of me.
Luke, a very trusted man of Dawid Hermes, is tried up to a chair and struggling to be set free. Well he will be free but how? It's for him to decide.
"My my, who do we have here?" I said taking attention of the struggling luke and Aiden who was sitting in the corner with his phone.
"Oh so you're here." Aiden said. My eyes were still focused on luke when I said.
"I didn't expect you to do this so fast."
Aiden shrugged.
"Amazing, aren't I?"
I ignored him and walked over to luke. His movements getting more vigorous with every step I took.
"So, Luke." I said. His eyes were wide and it felt like he wanted to say something. So I ripped off the tape from his mouth making him grunt in pain.
"You-YOU! Who are you?" It was dark here so it was nearly impossible for him to see my face. But the light bulb dangling over his head made it quote easy for me to see his ugly face.
"That's actually none of your business." I said.
"You've fucking kidnapped me and tied me here. So yes it is MY buisness." I raised my eye brows.
"Actually you're right. But you still won't be getting that piece of information. But how about you answer some of my questions?" I said.
"And what makes you think I'll do that?" He spit out.
"Well for starters, because you're tied here and your ability to survive depends on how much you are able to piss me off." I say with the hint of coldness.
His movements stopped as he stared at me, trying to make out my face. But that's not what will be happening.
"What.. Why are you doing this?" He says now rather scared. It makes me chuckle. Almost in disbelief.
"Dawid Hermes... Ring any bells?" His eyes widens more.
"What about him?" He is surprised, he should be. Because he knows that his involvement with Dawid is limited to the dirty buisness he did and that's stopped long ago. His identity has been anonymous in most of his missions with Dawid. But no matter what, he didn't deny it. He didn't deny his involvement with him. He's smarter than that. But apparently not smart enough to not be kidnapped.
"Tell me everything about his association with the Italian businessmen." His facial expressions tell me that he knows more than just his associations and collaborations. Something more than the deals on paper. Something that includes violence and blood.
"What d-do you want to know?" I am almost surprised. He can't really be telling me everything so easily. This profession has taught me to question everyone. Even when they can easily be trusted.
Reason? Because you can't be trusted either.
"Ten years ago, Dawid made a deal. With the Italian businessman, Caro Romano. What do you know about it?" I asked.
"It was a deal for the branch of their Italian steel company to open in New York City. And that was successfully signed. But then it couldn't be implemented because of the surprising death of Mr. Romano-" I shot him in the arm making him scream because of the surprise and pain.
"Surprising? You know better than to fuck with me Luke! When I have said that you will be killed with my bare hands if you piss me off. Don't you think it's a little too early for that?" I say almost on the verge of losing it.
He is really trying to play mind games with me. And I don't have time for that shit.
I've waited TEN years goddammit.
I point my gun at his head.
"I give you two options. Tell me what you know or die. And if you think dying is easier and better than betraying your darn boss then let me tell you Luke how wrong you are. Because I'll make sure to give you so much pain and despair. I'll show you hell. Make you beg for me to kill you. And that's when.... You'll be really asking for death." He is almost shaking. Good. Might as well piss himself. For the effects.
"I'll tell you. But you have to really let me go. No games." He said.
I smirked. Of course he knows better than to trust the words of people owning a gun and threatening people for their lives.
"I will. But on one condition." I said with a tilt of my head.
"W-what condition."
They say,
Everything is food when you're hungry. Be it poison.
He knows better than to take my threats lightly.
"You'll spy on Dawid Hermes, for me. And the day you betray me will be the day you will enter hell. And if you'll try to kill yourself.... I'll bring you to life myself and kill you more times than you will ever fathom." I said smiling.
"You're fucking psycho!" He said and struggled again. The ropes leaving marks.
"Now, tell me Luke. What do you choose?" I said playing with my gun.
I glanced at my side to see, Aiden playing with his phone not even the least bit interested.
"I'll t-tell you everything and spy on B- Dawid Hermes." He says.
Humans can never be completely trusted. That's what I've learned. Trust a man and die a million deaths of betrayal. Trust yourself and win heaven.
"So, tell me. What actually happened."
"Dawid Hermes was a brutal businessman. He started from scratch and reached a high position all by himself. But he was never satisfied with what ever he achieved. He always wanted more. And this made him thristy, for more power. And that's what made him do some illegal works. His one employee found out about it. He wanted to give this information to a news agency in return of some money. But Dawid found out about it. And he killed that man, made it look like an accident. And it is said that once you start you don't stop. And that's what happened with him. He went more wild. His thrist increased. He-" I cut him off.
"I don't have whole day. So keep your self written biography to yourself and tell me about the deal with the Romano's." I said.
"When he met Mr. Romano. He had already killed a few people who were in his way. And he was scared of no one. When they met, he realised that the Romano's had money. If they invested it in his company, his company would reach new heights. And become an internationally known coorporation. But Mr. Romano was not yet ready for that. So they went on with the deal, to collaborate and open their company in NY. It was fine until then. But as he was going through the clauses of that deal, one rule caught his attention.
If one of the buisnese partner dies, then the assets of the company will solely go to the other partner.
This made him greedy. More than he already was. But that wasn't the only reason." He said and stopped speaking. Almost hesitating.
"Speak before I decide to empty my bullets in you."
"He-he was once invited by Mr. Romano to a party. And there he saw his wife. Mrs. Elena Romano. It was as if he fell in love. He got obsessed. And that's when he decided to kill Caro Romano. And get the whole branch of New York and Elena Romano to himself." I shot him in his leg.
"What was that for?" He cried in pain. Aiden, who has now left his phone walked over to me.
"Calm down. We have to keep cool. For a better revenge." He spoke softly and I almost calmed down.
"Speak." I gritted out.
"He made a plan. And decided to call them for a dinner. But not in his own house. A rented one. With a cover name and identity. He was very good at it after doing this multiple times. And his money and power made it all seem so easy. I was the one who arranged it, all while hiding my identity. He shot Caro Romano, thrice. And Elena stood there. Shaking. I was there too. And he tried to touch Elena, but she didn't let him and Pointed his own gun at herself and killed herself." I was again pointing the gun but now at his head. He hadn't realised yet. But as I was about to shoot Aiden pushed my arm aside and the shot got wasted.
"Leo! Get a fucking grip! We've come so far not for you to loose yourself like this! We have more to ask from him. You can't just kill him." My breathing was getting heavier.
"You will go to Dawid. Ask him to let you in. And then spy on him. If anything fails. You will be seeing your worst nightmares come to life." I said walking out of that place. If I stayed there for one more second I felt the walls will crush me between them.

I reached my car and sat inside. My breathing still abnormal. I gripped the steering wheel so tightly and tried to calm myself down. Because anger will kill me way earlier than anything else will. But I failed. The anger won't go away.
My phone lights up with a notification. My attention diverted.
It's a good night message. From zara.
And I realised... My breathing is getting normal.

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