I can't even....

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Hey readers! I just wanted to tell you guys how thankful I am for all of you. I got home from school and went straight onto Wattpad and checked this story. 1K reads..... Like how does that even happen??!?!!? I am literally crying right now because I am so happy. I didn't think that I'd get five reads on this story, let alone 1K!! I just don't really know how to thank you enough. Like seriously, you all have been showing so much support for this story and it isn't even done yet!!!! I was really scared to start writing on here because I didn't know if anyone would like my stories, but now I'm not afraid. And it's thanks to you guys that I'm not. So I want you all to read this and be proud of yourselves for being some of the best human beings that I know. I don't care who you are-girl or boy, adult, teen, or child, Captain Swan fan or Swanfire fan (although I'm not sure why you would read this if you were a Swanfire fan)-it doesn't matter to me. It just matters that you guys are amazing and I know that I haven't been updating very frequently, but you all are so understanding and amazing. I just want to meet you all and give you a giant hug.

I put the picture up there because it is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books. (I really like quotes in case you couldn't tell.) And I think that all of YOU deserve a standing ovation. I love you all!!!! KEEP BEING AMAZING! (I am now sobbing.)

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