Chapter 1: Belly up Goldie

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Kai began to open his eyes, hearing the chime of his phone alarm

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Kai began to open his eyes, hearing the chime of his phone alarm. Kai had a shift at the rec center basketball court for janitorial duty, as there was a game planned for the little league team on Saturday. Remorselessly he climbed out of bed dragging his quilt behind him. Kai looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, and again, all he saw was an empty husk of a fox staring back at him. "Where did the years go..." Kai murmured to himself as he reached for his toothbrush, and began to brush his teeth. After completing the rest of his morning routine Kai walked to the kitchen and pulled out 2 packs of oatmeal, and a ceramic mug. Kai held the mug over the faucet and began to fill the mug up with lukewarm tap water. As he began to microwave the water in the mug, Kai reached for a bowl only to find nothing but dust, realizing his roommate, Niko still had not done the dishes. Begrudgingly Kai grabbed the abrasive sponge and began to wash a bowl for himself. By the time the bowl was clean, the microwave beeped loudly, as if blissfully announcing the boiled water. Kai grabbed the two apple cinnamon on oatmeal packets and shook them by the top to loosen the condensed oats and flavoring, before ripping the top and dumping the contents into the bowl, then pouring the water atop the oats. Grabbing a spork from the jar he slowly began to eat away at his depressing excuse of a meal, the stale oats and mediocre flavoring feeling more like a meal in prison, rather than a proper breakfast. After finishing the sorry excuse for a meal he reached for his green hoodie and grabbed his things. Phone Charger? Check! Phone? Check! Headphones? Check! And Kai headed out the door, tired yet somewhat ready to start the day. As Kai got to the bus stop he pulled out his phone and started to browse social media, everyone seemed so perfect, luxury homes, cool cars, and saturated social lives. However, Kai knew that it was all an illusion, a glimpse into the perfect moments of their lives, hiding their flaws and struggles to appear perfect amongst the likely dysfunction in their daily lives. As the bus pulled up to the bus stop, it loudly screeched to a halt, before letting off a pressurized hiss and opening its doors. As Kai climbed onto the bus he felt somewhat of an emptiness, His now Ex Boyfriend, Dolion always sent him a text Kai, wishing him a good day at work. "Was I too harsh on him?" Kai pondered to himself as he sat down. Kai began to look around the bus to see the kind of people riding with him today. There was a Maine Coon in the back row drawing or writing something, Kai couldn't tell because of the distance. Kai had always wanted to get into art, but seeing people much younger than him make professional level art made him feel outcast, and unskilled. Just another lost dream down the drain. "Now Arriving at Kayda Drive" the automated system blurred out "If this is your stop, please depart now. And have a great day." Kai stood up and walked to the doors, and stepped off the bus. And he began to walk to the rec center, only being three blocks down the road. As he walked he noticed the leaves had begun to change color, the oak trees with partially green splotches and the other more dominant shade of rosy orange. As the leaves began to slowly drop and float down gracefully. By now Kai reached the Gin County Rec Center, Kai took a deep breath and quietly walked into the main office, "Morning, Kai." The receptionist, Mia spat out in a dull tone. Mia was a gazelle in her 40's. She was a few inches below 4 feet, her antlers were chipped and matte, similar to the texture of a peeling couch. Mia wore heavy makeup, in a tacky 90's style, as if to desperately hold onto her glory days. "Hey..." Kai murmured as he walked into the break room to clock in. He opened the camera roll on his phone to a photo of his employee ID, as he had lost it not too long ago and was waiting for HR to print a new card for him. A loud "MEEP" shouted from the computer as he successfully clocked in, as he walked away to the janitor's closet. As he opened the closet, the stench of window cleaner and bleach blasted Kai in the face as Kai fanned the gas away with his paws while coughing, in reflex. Kai grabbed the black cart in the center and wheeled the cart out, the wheels quaking vigorously. Kai opened the company app on his phone to see his tasks for the day:

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