Chapter 5: Shower Contemplation

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It had been a good few hours since Kai's shift at the Rec Centre, and Kai was ready to head home

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It had been a good few hours since Kai's shift at the Rec Centre, and Kai was ready to head home. As Kai walked into the break room to clock out, he input his employee ID and Password, he was now finished with his shift. Kai walked to the door and waited for the bus, having to sit on a dewy bench. Pulling out his phone Kai began to tune into the local radio station. Although radio was dying out, Kai still liked listening to the radio, maybe it was the crackle between songs, or the nostalgia associated with it, but regardless Kai enjoyed the radio. Then out of the blue Kai heard a loud and abrupt "HONK". Kai jerked up his head to see Buck waving to him in the parking lot. Kai's phone then went off, it was a message from Buck. "Hey Kai, I thought I could give you a ride home today. Care to hop in?" Kai thought for a moment, the bus did get rather stale from time to time, the same old musty smell, the passengers randomly sending him dumb memes, and the overall stale atmosphere. It would be an enjoyable change of scenery, so Kai decided to walk over to Buck's car, and climbed into the shotgun seat. "How was your day?" Asked Buck. "Decent..." Kai nervously murmured back. "Here, I got this for you at the local bakery." Buck handed Kai a warm cinnamon bun. The glaze was white and very thick, and it was perfectly toasted, crispy yet doughy. As Buck started up the car Kai stared at the cinnamon bun, yes it looked appetizing, but he felt undeserving of it for a strange reason. "You look starved to death after all that working, eat up." Buck said reassuringly. Kai bit the corner of the bun, the cinnamon bun tasted just as good as it looked. As Kai continued to delicately chew at the cinnamon roll Buck asked Kai a question. "So, I've noticed that you are hesitant to accept my affection. Is everything ok?" Kai blankly stared at the ground and sighed. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" Kai softly spoke. Buck nodded reassuringly to Kai, in his gut Kai knew he could trust Buck, but yet he felt nervous, trying to speak felt as if trying to scream for help in a nightmare. But Kai then mustered up the courage to speak. "I... had another boyfriend who only wanted me for my body..." Kai muttered "He wanted to make me his submissive femboy..." Kai sat in silence, nervously waiting for Buck to respond, he felt so choked up and cringed even saying those words out loud. "I have had that happen to me too." This peaked Kai's interest, and he turned his head to face Buck. "People think that a gay relationship can be more healthy than a heterosexual relationship, but the truth is, regardless of your partner's gender, there exist people who want to have sex with you on day one. Buck rambled. "It can feel daunting to jump into a new relationship after an experience like that. But I can reassure you that I would never want to stoop to the same level as your ex." Kai began to blush through the melancholy, being around Buck made him feel safe, secure and loved. And then the two had arrived at Kai's apartment complex, Buck Jokingly blurted out "Now arriving at Kai's Apartment complex!" Imitating that of a bus driver. Kai let out a soft chuckle, and saw Buck smiling back. "Take care of yourself, ok?" Kai said as Buck drove off. "I will!!!" Buck called back. And as soon as Buck was on the highway, all of that temporary self confidence has washed away. Kai hurried up the stairs to his apparent in a flurry of emotions. As Kai slammed the door shut behind him, Kai sat down on the couch and began to collect himself. Where did this self confidence come from? How did Kai have the courage to open up to Buck? And how was Buck able to cope better than Kai, after being put through such a similar situation allegedly? Once Kai was able to somewhat collect himself, he walked into the bathroom, deciding to take a shower to calm his nerves. Kai switched on the shower head, and put it midway to the hottest temperature, Kai turned away from the mirrors and began to undress, as it felt uncomfortable to him seeing nude copies of himself stare him down. As Kai climbed into the shower the warm water began to trickle onto his fur. Kai then after acclimating to the temperature turned the knob to the max and the water slowly began to heat up as the entire bathroom slowly filled up with steam. Kai sat down on the shower floor, the water pouring against his head and back. Kai began to reflect on his past.

During Kai's senior year at Aries High school he met Dolion, from a friend matchmaking him at prom. Dolion was very kind on the surface, but looking back so many red flags waved about in front of Kai, but it was hard to see them wearing rose tinted goggles. Becoming the status of Kai's boyfriend only a week in knowing each other, his constant talking of sex, all of this felt so obvious to Kai now, but first love has a tendency to blind someone into avoiding the warnings of a toxic relationship.

As Kai continued to sit on the hard tile floor, he began to drown out the thoughts with the steaming hot water as it drizzled down his fur and just focus on the feeling of the water and the humidity of the bathroom. As Kai began to reach for the faucet and turned off the water, after that shower he felt rejuvenated and at ease, as Kai began to dry himself off a notification popped up on his phone, a message from Buck. Kai wrapped the towel around his waist and walked to grab his phone. The screen of the phone was coated in a thick layer of condensation, Kai grabbed a washcloth and began to wipe away the fog so his Face ID would function. As Kai opened up his messaging app, he silently read the message to himself. "Hey Kai, the drive we had together today was nice, would you like to do it again in the future?" Kai looked at the screen for a moment, then with utmost confidence and certainty, typed "yeah totally" and hit send. As Kai changed into his pajamas he felt a sense of bliss, yes Dolion left Kai with some damage, but he felt somewhat healed. And as Kai switched off the lights he looked at the ceiling and let out a sigh of bliss, wondering what the future may be in store for himself. But Kai knew one thing for sure, Buck would be a prominent part to it, in a positive way.

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