Chapter 6: Rhodochrosite

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2/4/23, It had been two months since Kai had met Buck, and the two of them had become good friends

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2/4/23, It had been two months since Kai had met Buck, and the two of them had become good friends. Having hung out many times, mostly for minor things such as lunch and dinner. But Kai still had a somewhat strong barier up. Ms.Dolores had recived the doll after she had moved to a neigboring apartment complex, wich had a thriving elderly comunity, making her feel hapier surounded by people her age. And in her place Buck had decided to move into what used to be Ms.Dolores' apartment to be closer to Kai.

Kai was over at Buck's house watching a movie together. The February snow was slowly falling outside as the two sat on Buck's couch. Kai was bundled up in a quilt Buck had given him for Christmas, while buck warmed himself up with hot chocolate. "You know-" Buck began, "We have been good friends for two whole months." Kai knew where this conversation was going but nervously played along. "Yeah?" Buck sat down net to Kai, rested his paw over Kai's own paw. Kai began to tremble slightly, as Buck continued. "I know when I first met you back at the Rec Centre, I came off as somewhat... strong. But I feel like we have gotten comfortable enough to take this relationship up to the next level." Buck reached over Kai's shoulders to lean in for a cuddle. And that was when Kai began to zone out, as if the world around him was fading in and out repeatedly. And set before him, a repressed memory of Dolion revealed itself. When He was with Dolion, Kai was almost in a one two one situation during Halloween of 2022.

Kai and Dolion were on the couch together, when Dolion slowly lifted the blanket and snuggled up with Kai. Then Kai could feel something crawling on his lower stomach, going lower, and lower. Then he felt it go flat, it slid down his stomach and into his underwear. Dolion then whispered into Kai's ear in a sadistic tone: "You like that, don't you?" and quietly giggled.

"PLEASE, STOP!!!" As Kai lunged off the arm of the couch wincing and quivering in fear. Splashing scalding hot chocolate onto The rug. Kai was quivering in the corner of the room between the couch and the wall, hyperventilating and whimpering with arms out in defense. "Babe, did I do something wrong?!" Buck spoke with great concern. "Please, please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He could hear Kai whimper with great fear. " Buck sat down next to Kai "Is this about that Dolion person?" He asked. Kai's defenses dropped slightly, lowering his arms to reveal a face of pure, and raw fear for survival. "Hey, hey, he's not here, he can't hurt you." Buck spoke with reassurance. "Would you be comfortable talking about it?" Kai, now curled into a ball, now whimpering though post fear clarity nodded, his eyes leaking a strong flow of salty tears. Kai reached foreword to hug Buck, head locking over Buck's shoulder. Buck began to Cary Kai to the couch, and tucked him under the quilt. Kai lay on Buck's lap, as he stroked his head softly. "So... back when me and Dolion were a "thing" he...he... groped me..." Kai cried in a wobbly voice. "Did you do anything about it?" Buck calmly asked. "It was in October of last year, and I felt scared to speak out..." Kai mumbled. "I kept convincing myself that I was supposed to enjoy being touched like that." "Kai... this is serious!!!" Buck spoke in alarm "We... we need to report that to the authorities!" "That would be impossible to do, he's studying abroad in Romania" Kai remorsefully spoke. "They don't take SA cases there seriously at all" Kai and Buck cuddled in silence for a while, Kai was completely burnt out after the explosive meltdown, and felt extreme guilt, self hatred, and remorse. "Want to run to the lobby to get a snack with me?" Kai looked up at Buck, and saw a loving smile gaze back at him, as if reassuring Kai like a fatherly figure. Kai stood up next to Buck, and grabbed Buck's hand and nodded, ready to indulge in some self care. Buck grabbed a robe and Kai grabbed a aubergine purple hoodie. As the two stood in the elevator staring at their distorted figures in the doors, Buck reached into his pocket. "Here, I was planning on giving this to you, a bit further down the road to our relationship, but I am wanting you to have this now." Buck pulled out a gold pendant with a dusty pink, faceted, gemstone at the center. "I got this for you from the local jeweler for you." Buck spoke in a soft tone. "It's a gem called Rhodochrosite. The gem represents selflessness, and unconditional love." "Whenever you start to think about Dolion, I want you to grip the necklace and have it remind you about me." As the two walked to the vending machine, they grabbed 2 orange sodas, a honey bun, and a stick of beef jerky. "Hey, Buck?" Kai asked. "Yeah?" Buck spoke curiously "I... love you..." Kai nervously murmured. "I know, me too." Buck responded. As the two walked back to Buck's apartment and let auto play be at their mercy, through cheesy thrillers, trashy reality TV, and much more. As Buck and Kai slowly drifted asleep, as they embraced each other in a hug, leaning against one another, as the ambient glow of the TV softly illuminated them. Before long, the two were sound asleep, dozing off in warm, heartfelt embrace. And as dusk morphed into the the warm glow of the afternoon, Kai slowly came to his senses. He could hear and smell the preparation of eggs and bacon. Kai stood up from the couch, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated from the sleep he had. "Morning, babe." Buck called out to Kai. "Morning ba-" before Kai finished his sentence, he embarrassedly covered his mouth, with his paw "Was I about to call Buck babe?!" Kai thought to himself. "You can call be "babe if you want, Kai" Buck spoke reassuringly, "I feel like after tonight we could consider each other lovers if you feel comfortable." Kai paused for a moment. Yeah he had been close friends with Buck for quite some time, but still Kai felt somewhat split. Kai sat down on the barstool and began to eat while he continued to think to himself. "Is... this what true love feels like?" Kai pondered. By now Kai had finished the breakfast Buck had made for him. "So when do you want to hang out again?" Asked Kai as he began to grab his things. "Well, what do you have in mind?" Buck playfully asked. "Well we do have our usual lunch at 1pm." "Fair enough, fair enough." Kai giggled as he waved goodbye to Buck. As soon as Kai shut the door behind him, all of his contained emotions flooded back to him. Kai's legs felt icy-hot, his stomach felt twisted into a knot, but yet... he felt at ease in a strange way, empowered even. And then he reached into his pocket, and saw the rhodochrosite pendant, he gazed at it with his silhouette staring back, but instead of seeing a weak and powerless fox, he saw someone of great confidence, assurance, and bliss. Kai then gripped the pendant by the sides and placed it around his neck, as if he were being crowned at a coronation ceremony for a king. Kai opened his apartment door no longer filled with melancholy and depression, but a new sense of purpose and self discovery.

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