Chapter 7: Nagging Repentance

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Kai and Buck were having lunch at the local burger diner, as the two waited for their orders to arrive they began to talk to each other

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Kai and Buck were having lunch at the local burger diner, as the two waited for their orders to arrive they began to talk to each other. "So Kai, I've been hearing about this hot air balloon festival that maybe we could go to together." Buck suggested. "What time?" Kai asked. "Friday the 20th, at 6pm" Buck responded. "I'll have to check my schedule, just to be sure I can get time off" Kai replied. The beginning of spring was upon them, with the snow melting and vegetation beginning to sprout through the ice. Spring was Kai's favorite season, as he always enjoyed seeing the nature around him emerge from its dormant state from the harsh winter, seeing the new life bloom from a baron field into a lushly planted meadow. Even the small things Kai enjoyed, the normalcy of seeing the decorations from the holiday season being taken down, uttering in the new season. Just then an unknown caller reached Kai's phone. Kai had quit working at the Rec Center recently as the new manager there was not as accommodating as the older one. "Hang on Buck, I need to take this, could be an employer for the job I am interviewing for." Kai walked through the diner to the door, plowing through the hustling crowd. Kai got into Buck's passenger car seat, and answered the call. "Hello?" Kai answered, "Kai, I am sorry for what I did." The voice sounded somewhat familiar dispute the strong raspy distortions. "Excuse me?" Kai spoke in question. "Kai, its me Dolion... Look I miss being with you." Dolion spoke. Kai felt disgusted, the nerve Dolion had to grope him, and blind him with an illusion of love angered Kai. But Kai felt a surge of empowerment corse through him, something that felt alien to him, but made Kai feel strong and in power. "I don't miss you in the slightest you pervert!" Kai spat out in a stern voice. "Don't act like I broke up with you for nothing, you groped me and used me for my body!!!" Dolion was about to speak, but Kai interrupted him "And don't think that you can save your ass in this argument, and say that you changed... you left me with psychological scars that I'm still healing from!!!" Kai continued, AAAND THEN, you fled to study abroad in Romania, to save yourself from me taking you to court!!!" Kai yelled, "Just deal with it D, I don't give a fuck about you anymore, go deepthroat a cactus for all I care..." and with that, Kai hung up the phone. Kai opened the bathroom door to see Buck standing in the doorway, "Babe, is everything ok?" Buck asked with great concern. "Dolion..." Kai murmured quietly. "I heard some of the conversation through the door when I went to check on you. What happened, I'm all ears."Buck spoke with affirmation. "Dolion called me under a new phone number and tried to apologize. I said no, and I kinda blew up at him..." Kai explained. "Damn..." Buck said with shock, "Talk about desperate...". Kai nervously tilted his head away, feeling vulnerable and exposed with what he had said. Buck rested his harm on Kai's shoulder, "You had a lot of guts to stand up to someone like that. I'm proud of you^^" Kai smiled softly, hearing this affirmation from Buck made him feel safe and protected. "I'll block his number just to be sure." Kai spoke. "Good thinking" said Buck, and with that Kai blocked the new number Dolion had called him under. Seeing Dolion crawl back to him felt empowering to him, Kai had read that LGBT people were very discriminated against in Romania, yet Dolion came crawling back to him to get his old "submissive femboy" as Dolion used to call him, and with Dolion planted in Romania for who knows how long. Kai felt finally as if he was in control of his own future, without the fear of Dolion constraining him like shackles. As the Food arrived to Buck and Kai's table, Buck asked Kai a question; "So what exactly did you tell Dolion to do, I could only hear so much through that door.". Kai chuckled and confidently spoke, "I said if he's that desperate, to deepthroat a cactus." Buck jerked forward, his face turning cherry red, trying to contain hysterical laughter. Kai blushed and turned his head away, flustered seeing Buck hold back his intense laughter. Buck began to gain some level of composure and then spoke with a small laugh "Ok, ok, imagine he actually tries that!" Buck spoke while continuing his hysterical laughter, as he struggled to eat his burger. Kai began also began to dig into his BLT with a newfound sense of empowerment. Dolion had now gotten Kai's message loud and clear to fuck off for good, feeling as if the shackles of the past were starting to erode beneath his feet. "So I think I'll be able to go to the hot air balloon festival with you, Buck." Kai spoke as he broke the silence. "Awesome!" Buck spoke, his mouth filled with chewed up burger bits. After the plates of the two had been finished, Kai and Buck walked over to the bin, as Kai dumped the garbage into the bin, he felt a soft pressure on his cheek, "Did... Buck... kiss me?!" Kai froze in shock and joy, he felt a warm surge flow through his chest, feeling as if he was ready to transcend. As he looked toward Buck, Buck turned away with bashfulness. "To soon?" Buck spoke with worry. Kai turned to face buck and booped him on the nose, "Oh hush up you dumb mutt!" Kai playfully spoke. "Can't wait to see you at the festival soon!" Buck spoke. Kai turned back and yelled over the crowd just before leaving, "Wouldn't miss it for the world!" And with that Kai headed towards the light rail to get back home, as Buck walked to his car.

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