Chapter 3: Golden Beams

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As Kai drowsily opened his eyes to the world around him he tilted his head to the side to see his alarm clock, 11:32 am

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As Kai drowsily opened his eyes to the world around him he tilted his head to the side to see his alarm clock, 11:32 am. "Shit, I slept in too much!" hastily Kai reached under his pillow to see a text from Buck 5 minutes ago, "So... when would you be available to get the materials for that kintsugi thing you talked about?" Kai began to hastily type: "I think I'll ask my coworker, Joseph, to see if he can cover my shift. This project means so much to Ms. Dolores and I want it done for her as soon as I can." then Kai hit the send button to the message. Kai switched over to contacting Joseph "Hey Joseph, I got assigned a big project for school and I need you to cover my shift for the day. I would have given 30 days notice if I could, but stuff happens." and sent the text. As Kai walked over to the refrigerator to grab a hard boiled egg Buck sent another message. "I can Coinmail you some cash when you get to the checkout, just tell me the final cost at checkout.". "K" Kai sent in response, which was hearted by Buck in return. Kai Grabbed his things, phone cord, wall charger, earbuds, phone, wallet, and sweatshirt. Kai opened the Nyoom app on his phone to see how much it would cost to get to the local hardware store: Woodpeck and Co. Thankfully there was a driver not too far, the profile showed a middle aged leopard named Jackie. Kai then paid for the Nyoom and began to walk to the parking lot to wait, the old stairs creaking and moaning as Kai walked down. The apartments always smelled of stale coffee and soap, as the apartments used to be a hotel for a now bankrupt hotel chain, as the owners never bothered to change the "Stargazer Inns" sign. As Kai reached the parking lot, he found a bench and sat down to wait. Before long Jackie had arrived in a Blue Sedan, waving Kai over. Kai climbed into the car and sat in the back, the scent of cheap tropical air freshener and cigarette ashes flooding his nose. "Where are you headed, kid?" bellowed Jackie in a raspy yet warm voice. "Woodpecker and CO. Hardware, in Thatcher.". Kai replied, "Ight kid, sounds good..." bellowed Jackie. Kai put on his seatbelt and began to surf the web as Jackie drove. Kai then grew curious and looked Buck up on Nowblog, Kai typed in buck's name under users "Buckley Thomas" and hit search, and before long he had found Buck's profile, the bio read:

"I'm Buck, professional mover and a gay basketball junkie. Feel free to start a chat with me^^"

Kai then looked at Buck's photos; they consisted of photos of recent hikes Buck had gone on, Crimson Peaks, Lake Azurite, and most recently Mosspeak Grove. The Photos all looked so stunning, as if Kai was actually along with Buck on those hikes. "Maybe we could go on a hike together in the future," Kai thought. "Probably should get to know him more first..." he murmured to himself. And before Kai knew it he felt the car's brakes stop and Jackie shouted "Ight, this is your stop, hun!" Kai climbed out of the car, relieved to smell fresh air as Jackie drove off. "Woodpeck and CO." read the sign above in a bold font. Kai walked through the automatic doors and began his excursion. As Kai walked in an elderly Koala handed him a paper map of the store, and the excursion then began. "The store was very vast and echoey, with the sound of 80's pop music playing over the intercom, yet super muffled by the baring noises of buzzsaws, forklifts, and drills. Kai gazed down at the map, and searched for anything related to glue, pigments. Just then an employee walked up to Kai and asked: "Looking for anything in particular?" Kai looked over and replied with: "Yeah I am trying to find some Epoxy Glue, and Chrome Gold Pigment.". "Right this way, Sir." answered the employee, as Kai began to follow him. "What sort of project are you up to?" asked the employee, with great interest "Kintsugi..." "Oh yeah, I heard about that, it's rather trendy right now!" the employee rambled, "What exactly are you trying to fix?". "A porcelain doll for my neighbor." Kai responded. "Whelp, the epoxy glue is on this aisle, and the pigments are on aisle 32 next to the spray paint." And there Kai saw the epoxy glue. The glue was kept in a sealed dual syringe, only for $6.78. Kai grabbed a pack, and began to search for aisle 32, walking around semi aimlessly. Kai walked into the lighting section of the store. Lights of all shapes and sizes are each unique in their own way, but all softly illuminating the area like a busy city street. Kai was completely mesmerized by this sight, to the point where Kai nearly forgot about what he was even looking for, only being brought to his senses when he looked to see the epoxy in his paw. Kai then could see the wall of spray paint, Kai speed walked over to the isle keeping a close eye out for the pigments, and sure enough, there were the powder pigments. But almost all of the pigments looked somewhat cheap, being filled with glitter when looking at the swatches, all except one, the swatch stood out to him, as if to entice Kai. The swatch was dubbed "Lavishly Gorgeous" by Color Boom Pigments. Kai looked at the price, being $9.45, comparatively it was somewhat more pricey to the other more tacky pigments. But Kai felt that since this was for an important endeavor, he grabbed a jar off the shelf and walked to the self checkout. Kai Pulled out his phone and saw that while he was hypnotized by the lights, Joseph had responded to his text from earlier. "Lana said it's ok for me to cover for you. Just give more clarification on why next time" Kai took a sigh of relief and then went to buck in his contacts. "The total is $17.41 the account should be under Kai Andy Brooks" and kai hit send. Buck was quick to respond in 3 minutes, and sent $20 to Kai. Kai began to check out bagging his items in a paper bag after scanning. Kai tapped his phone against the pin-pad, finishing the purchase. The checkout blurted out "Thanks for Shopping at Woodpeck and CO, Please take your bags and receipt." Kai took the receipt and stuffed it into the bag, and was on his way home. But then Kai realized... How would he get home? Kai sat down against a pillar, and opened his phone and began to message Buck: "How close are you to Woodpeck and CO.?" and waited for a response, completely embarrassed. And then his phone vibrated, buck had said "I pass it all the time on my way home from work, you need a ride to your place?" Kai then responded with a simple "Yeah..." scared to see a response from Buck. "I just got off work and I'm a few miles away, hold tight. I'll be in a gray SUV". "I'll be by the garden center." Kai responded back, and continued to wait. Before long a gray SUV pulled up to the doors, in the tinted windows he saw the silhouette of buck as he rolled down the window. Buck waved to Kai as he stood up with the bag to get in. "Just put the bag in the backseat" Buck told Kai, as he got in. Kai reached over the center console and placed the bag on the middle seat, and buckled himself up. "So what is your address, Kai?" Kai hesitated, he didn't realize until now that He'd need to tell Buck his address to get home. What would Buck do knowing where he lived? Was his house clean enough for guests? Buck could see the worry in Kai's eyes, and told Kai in an assuring tone: "Just tell me the name of your neighborhood, if you don't feel comfortable sharing your exact address.". "It's the Ginger Heights apartment complex in Aurora." and with that Buck began to drive. As Kai gazed out the window, Buck asked another question, "You want to stop and get some lunch on our way back?". "Maybe next week, Buck. I have food at home." Kai told Buck. "Your choice, Kai." Buck responded. And before long Kai had returned home, after waving goodbye to buck, Kai took the elevator to the 3rd floor and walked to his apartment, 362. Grabbing the key to his room he opened the door and walked in, dropping the bag on his art desk with the broken doll. Kai cracked his neck and knuckles, and began unboxing the materials. And began to piece together Leslie on the work-mat. The face had a gaping cavity with a shattered left face inside, the ears had cracked glaze, with the left being broken 3 inches down from the tip, and the fingers were broken off only leaving the index, pinky and thumb on the right, and the pinky ring finger and thumb on the left. Kai lifted the head of the doll and tilted it side to side, assessing the damage on all parts of the doll. Kai opened the box to the epoxy glue, and got to work, mixing the two glues together with the gold pigment, using the back of a paintbrush, leaving him with a gold paste. Kai hastily got to work, as the glue puddle was drying slowly but surely. 2 hours later the doll was completely mended. "Bella would have loved to know you were in good care today, Leslie..." Kai spoke to the doll before stuffing an old D-Liver box with plastic grocery bags as padding, and gently placing the doll inside. As Kai walked over to his bed and laid down on his side. Kai grabed his phone and began to scroll aimlessly through Buck's NowBlog, scrolling endlessly through his photos and videos. Why did someone like Buck care so much for him? Pitty? His Body? But no mater how hard Kai thought about how and why Buck had such feelings for him. And with that Kai began to doze off into bed, completely drained, yet satisfied.

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