Chapter 5: Dangerous Beauty

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From the flourishing depths of singing roses,

The thorns protruding, a delightful sting,

Too close an embrace will hurt to touch,

Still the choice made is the song they sing,

From the agnosing walls of the fires blaze,

Embers burning and twisting in flare,

Scars left behind once engulfed and ensnared,

Still the comfort of its warmth chosen to share,

Beauty created by the divine in the heavens,

Blessing one in a thousand souls,

Entrancing and alluring all into a snare,

The missing piece inside the heart to become what once was whole

A Poem by Levi Ackerman

This was disastrous. In less than a few hours Levi would be face to face with the man that runs for miles inside his mind all day and night. Rehearsing lines seems easy. You just say them and repeat them on end until eventually saying those exact words aloud come naturally. Then, of course, there are the actual movements that go alongside the words to portray the emotions and feelings, breathing life into the role the actor plays. The disastrous part is that when he offered to help Eren with his lines, he had no idea what that actually entailed. Now that Friday has arrived, he has recently been informed that helping someone rehearse lines means that he must also read lines, only the characters Eren isn't playing, which means most of the entire script!

Curse Levi's lack of knowledge in theatrical arts! What is he to do? How should he read them? Is Eren going to ask him to act as well? Fuck, Levi hopes not! He's not a good actor at all, heck, his voice only has a range of three monotonous notes, there's no way he can express any excitable emotions even if it was to save his life! All this time thinking about sitting across from Eren in the auditorium, alone, with no one else there, just him and Eren... staring face to face, talking to each other as other characters...

Levi is beginning to have severe doubts. Nervous is one thing, this is one step closer to having an official meltdown! Levi never should have offered to rehearse. Part of him thinks his feelings for Eren are too much. Not only do they push him to make out-of-character decisions, but also place him in situations he never dreamed of being in.

'Okay, Ackerman. Just breathe. It's going to be fine!' Levi attempts to give himself the pep talk. He sits alone in his English class, pencil clenched tightly in his hand as he tries listening to whatever bullshit his teacher is spouting and taking notes as best as he can. No matter what he does, his mind continues to drift to his after-school activities spitting out line after line while Eren reads out his part. He shudders. 

'I'm doing this for Eren... Doing this for Eren...'

That sentence chants in his mind like a sacred mantra and he tries so incredibly hard to shift his focus back to the task at hand; writing an essay. Levi frowns. As he looks down at his requirements, he begins thinking that procrastinating about the rehearsals is much better than participating in a persuasive argument about climate change. 

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