Chapter 1: Shame

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When the cold winter nights feel hopeless and long,

The fire you light brings a sensation, incredible but wrong,

Alone with the cloud of overhanging thoughts,

Leaving me restless and fraught with distraught,

The burning inside that ignites flames of fear,

The lingering hope of survival left in a single tear,

For once to hold, to have and to claim,

Once true intentions now leaving behind insurmountable shame,

The whirlwind of wild and untamed desires,

Will forever perish in the sea of fires...

A poem by Levi Ackerman

Levi signs his latest piece of work with his name, cursive and neat. The lined paper under his finger crinkles lightly as the words speak many more than what he wishes to say. A silent way of expressing the inner truths he has lived with for too long. What he wishes to express verbally one day but is unable to find the words. No matter how many times he breathes in and out, how many times he mentally prepares himself to speak his true feelings, something always goes wrong. He sighs as he glances to the side towards the other desks lined around him, picking out one in particular.

Sprawled-out stationery is messily thrown across the desk, papers everywhere in contrast to Levi's desk with his pencils remaining inside his pencil case and the handouts from today's lesson stacked neatly to one side. At first glance, that desk and his could not be more different than day and night, but Levi has to admit, the person who owns that desk is attractive as fuck! Skin is lightly tanned and smooth with barely any blemishes, a softness that shows, even more, when he smiles as the shine spreads to his eyes. Those green irises plague Levi's mind more than once a day. A rich and endearing green that is not only capturing but spellbinding. Levi could never strike a conversation with such beauty in his presence. Even the messy brown locks and the roughed-up uniform, although the complete opposite of tidy, somehow does it for Levi.

He's beautiful. Levi thinks so every time he lays eyes on that walking disaster. While Levi likes to sit quietly and have a cup of tea, he would prefer to be out exploring the world and drinking himself stupid at parties. While Levi prefers to keep things neat in an orderly fashion, he would much rather make messes and second guess whether he should be cleaning them or not. Levi is the dark and mysterious night while he is the sunshine that brightens the land for miles. Pure, and innocent, but foul-mouthed and angsty, all wrapped in a perfect parcel that is the boy, Eren Jaeger.


Levi flinches as a ruler smacks against his desk, loud and ringing into a class of discomforting silence. Levi blinks in stun now pulled away from the usual daydream. Right on cue. 3:00 PM on a Friday afternoon. Somehow without fail the shitty maths teacher always manages to catch Levi when he's off with the fairies. The ruler that was rudely assaulting his desk is removed and the teacher peers over their glasses to eye Levi carefully. In response Levi, stares back, leaning nonchalantly in his chair, bored written all over his face.

"Mr Ackerman, do tell me the answer to the equation on the board, please," they ask with a sinister glint. Probably enjoying every moment at the opportunity to put their student in the spotlight awaiting humiliation. Levi glances at the whiteboard where an overly complicated sum of algebra meets Pythagoras' Theorem dominates the whole surface, the question asking to solve for the letter a. One look is all Levi needs before he folds his arms over his chest, sitting up straight with one leg folded over the other raising an eyebrow at his overly confident teacher.

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