Chapter 23

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Today was Christmas Eve and I was officially freaking out. I had to be at Ivy's in an hour and I didn't even know what to wear. I mean what do you wear to meet your girlfriend's family? I'd never done anything like this before. I decided to try and ask Reyna for help instead of just freaking out.

"I think you should just wear some jeans with a nice long sleeve top, or you should ask Ivy." Reyna suggested.

"I'll see what Ivy says." I replied.

What should I wear?
Doesn't rly matter, I'm wearing jeans and a top
Ok what kind of top?
A button up, like always. But don't worry nobody's
going to judge u, wear what u want
Ok bye see you soon
Ok bye see you

I put down my phone and told Reyna what Ivy said. "She said wear whatever I want."

"See I told you, don't worry about it." Reyna replied.

"Ok, then I'll just wear whatever then." I said.

"Ok, I'll go watch tv then." Reyna smiled before leaving my room.

I found these baggy blue jeans in my closet and decided to wear those with an oversized white knitted sweater. I wanted to be comfier rather then look better, I think it'd make me feel calmer there.

I put on some lipgloss, eyeliner and mascara but decided to leave it at that. I left my hair down I had tried to put it up, it just didn't work out.

It was snowing outside so I put on a pair of black boots and a brown coat with my outfit. I walked to the parking garage and got in my car. The drive was slower then usual, I tried to go slow to avoid anything dangerous by the snow.

I decided to call Jaspreet, I wanted to know if they'd be coming to this Christmas thing.

"Hey, what's up." They said as they picked up the phone.

"Hey so are you going to Christmas at my parents house tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, are you?" She asked.

"Well yeah, they sorta invited me for some reason." I replied.

"Oh wow, yeah well mom, dad, Avran and I will all be there." Jas said.

"Ok, see you then I guess." I replied.

"Yeah you too, I kinda gotta go now bye, love you." Jas hung up before I could speak.

The slow drive got so bad for me after I got off the phone which invited the thoughts of the worst case scenario to my mind. I thought about her family not liking me, or them somehow being homophobic, or maybe me saying or doing something wrong. Before I knew it I realized my hands were shaking on the steering wheel.

"It's ok your fine, nothing's going to happen." I tried to reassure myself like my therapist said to do.

I had calmed down by time I made it to Ivy's unnecessarily fancy apartment building. I parked and started walking up towards her floor. I reached her door and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

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