Skate Park 2

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Sero casually walked away with his hands in his pockets, humming while looking around, meanwhile I was laughing uncontrollably. Jirou was being my support, and was just keeping me from collapsing onto the cement while I died. Sero finally walked over after everyone stopped staring with a frown. " What was that for?! " He huffed, crossing his arms. He looked annoyed, but I found him being annoyed hilarious. " Y--ou, peo--ple.. " I stuttered before bursting into a laughing mess again. Sero sighed in annoyance while Denki joined my laughing fit. Jirou was snickering slightly while me and Denki held onto each other while laughing historically. Finally, after a few minutes of calming down, me and Denki started boarding again while Sero sat on a stair, playing on his phone while Jirou was practicing her kick flips. You and Denki were doing stunts on the ramps, and stairs while laughing and just enjoying yourselves. " Oi, Y/n! " You heard a familiar voice call out. You looked around to see your older brother, Aniko walking down the stair and past Sero with his board. " You never told me you were going to be here?! " He chuckled, walking up to you and ruffling your hair. " This is why.. " You grumbled, crossing your arms. " Oi! Hands off of her! " Denki huffed, zapping him. " Ow-.. " Aniko whimpered, rubbing his shoulder. " Denki- that's my brother. " I chuckled, patting his shoulder. " Oh-! Sorry about that! " He whined, holding his hands out infront of him while he panicked. I pulled Denki into a hug, stroking his hair as he had a short circuit. You chuckled as your brother frowned. " Am I really that scary? " He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. " Obviously not, I mean, he wasn't scared to zap you? " I laughed, rubbing Denki's back. Aniko laughed, letting the end of his board fall to the cement before getting on it. He skated down the ramp, putting earbuds in while Jirou stared at him. " Who was that guy? " She huffed, crossing her arms while walking towards me. " Obviously you weren't paying attention. He's my brother. " I sighed in annoyance, turning my head to look at her. " Oh- he's pretty ugly to be your brother. " She chuckled, biting her lip in a annoying way. " Dear lord, stop. You look like one of those cursed emojis. " I huffed, pushing her away as she just plainly laughed. I sighed, sitting on one of the railings. On the way back to the dormitory, you were all walking with your boards in your hands. You were walking next to Sero, your free hand in your jacket pocket. I looked back to the sound of a man yelling, and what sounded like an animal whining, and sure enough ; There was a man who was yelling at a kitten. I tapped Sero's shoulder, pointing towards the helpless kitten after he looked. " What about it? " He raised an eyebrow, looking at the kitten who was nor curled up on the sidewalk. " Jerk.. " I grumbled, putting my board down, looking both ways before running across the street and towards the Tuxedo kitten. I slowly picked it up, holding it close to my chest at it meowed. The poor thing was skinny, and you could feel how bony it was. I put it in my jacket, zipping the zipper up as to hide the kitten before carefully jogging back towards Sero whom was waiting for me, holding my board. " What..? " I chuckled, looking up at him.

The kitten is based off of my cat, Fiona ; Here's an image.

Sero just chuckled, shaking his head while we started walking off again

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Sero just chuckled, shaking his head while we started walking off again. " Oh! I've got one! How do celebrities stay cool? " Sero smirked, nudging me. " How? " I giggled, petting the kittens head with my finger. " They have many fans. " He laughed, covering his mouth. I just stared at him, blinking in confusion. " I mean, it wasn't that funny but sure! You can laugh like a complete dumbo! " I smiled, patting his shoulder while laughing teasingly. Sero frowned, in almost a upset kind of way. " What? " I mumbled, tilting my head. " I thought you would've liked it.. " He whimpered, rubbing the back of his neck. " N--No! I liked it! I thought it was pretty cute, just not too funny.. " My voice cracked, that's how you could tell when I got nervous. His sudden mood change is the thing that startled me most, but the face he had made me feel bad about it, I don't know why.. why did I feel bad after all?.. And why did I call the joke that HE MADE ; cute?

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