The Final Test

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I rested my face in the palms of my hands, my anxiety getting to me. I felt something hit the back of my head, so I turned around to Sero had stuck a note on my shoulder. I ripped the note off, opening it before examining the piece of paper. The hand writing was a little sloppy, but the note was cute. I felt me cheeks heat up as I fumbled through the words that read ; ' ' Stop stressing, I'm sure you'll do great! <3 ' '. I set the note down on the top of the desk, covering my face again as I could feel the heat rising in my face. I heard Sero chuckle from behind me, which caused me to look back at him with a frown. He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. I had a half smile as I looked back ahead of me as Aizawa stood in the front of the class with a stack of papers. Minutes later, he started passing out the papers, explaining what would happen during the test. After he handed out the test, he set a 2 hour timer, then telling everyone to begin. I picked up my pen, sweating bullets as I turned to the first question. I wasn't able to finish studying last night, so I was sure this would be a total disaster. I started writing down my answers as I flipped through the pages. Right as I finished writing down the last question, a few minutes after the timer went off, indicating that the 2 hours was up. I sighed, burying my face into my hands. Mr. Aizawa came around, collecting the papers. I huffed, handing him my paper before biting my lip anxiously. Suddenly, I felt something caress my hair. I looked back to see Sero goofing off. " Why hello there~.. " He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows while slightly biting his bottom lip. My cheeks went a rosy pink as I rolled my eyes teasingly. " ¿Qué quieres, mosca molesta? " I huffed, flipping him off. Sero gasped dramatically, putting his   ( ^ What do you want you annoying fly )                                                                                    hand on his chest. Suddenly, we started arguing in Spanish. " Te odio. " I finished off the argument, crossing my arms before turning back towards the front of the class. I could hear Sero pouting, and I knew exactly what he was about to do next. I sighed, standing up and hugging him. He smiled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me down onto his lap. I don't know if he was trying to do that, but he did it, and it flustered me. I flushed red, staring at him as his cheeks flushed pink. I quickly jumped up, just to be dragged back down. Sero rested his chin on my shoulder while wrapping his arms around my stomach. " It's not polite to deny someone's hug. " He mumbled, and the way he said it I could tell he was smiling. Quickly, I sighed in annoyance, standing up before walking towards Jirous desk.

Sorry the chapter was short, I'm working on a art piece and doing this at the same time.
WHILE trying to get my older brothers dog to eat, but she won't do anything, she just lays on the couch all day and either sleeps, or watches us. Thanks Liam for leaving her here. She misses you and you don't know how much she does.

 She misses you and you don't know how much she does

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