Study Group

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Skateboarding to the library and picking up the speed, I got winded for a moment, loosing my breath and getting dizzy which nearly made me fall off the board. I lifted up my glasses, rubbing my eyes to try and re-adjust my vision to see that Sero was next to me. " How..? " I mumbled, with a pout. " You slowed down after you fell. " He chuckled, holding my arm as I nearly fell again. Nearly falling, and him holding my arm so I wouldn't fall brought back memories of the first time I ever tried skateboarding, and my father walked by my side, holding my wrists to balance me, and prevent me from falling. I looked ahead of us to see the Library slowly approaching us, more like we were getting closer to it. I quickly shook off the feeling of anxiety, blinking as my vision still hasn't recovered yet. " You alright, L/n? " Sero's smile faded as he watched your expression, and body movements. He could tell something was wrong, but he didn't know exactly what  was wrong. I smiled in a anxious, yet nervous way while looking at him. " I'm fine..! " I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck as he let go of my arm(or wrist). As we skated into the parking lot of the Library, we grabbed out boards into our hair, walking inside. " Okay, so why are we here again?.. " I mumbled, looking around. " We're going to study for the final test tomorrow. You know, the one before summer rolls around? " Sero chuckled, putting his hand on my shoulder. " Oh, right.. sorry, I kinda forgot about the test tomorrow. " I giggled nervously, looking down at my feet as we walked. We split up to find the books we needed for the information, Sero in one row, me in another. I stood on the balls of my feet, grabbing a book from a shelf I could barely reach. I put it in my arms, along with the other books while smiling. There was something about studying that brought out my happy side, I just don't know why.

------ A/n ------
- Cough cough - NErD.

I carried the books back to a table, setting them down with the rest of my stuff ; My skateboard, my phone, and my backpack. I sat down, opening the first book and flipping to the first page while taking out a notebook and pen. I could see Sero sit down at another table, since we all decided that Sero and Denki would study together, meanwhile me and Jirou would study together. I decided to just start reading through the first book, taking useful notes every now and then while waiting on Jirou. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sero glancing at me every now and then, but I just continued writing down notes and flipping through the pages. Suddenly, I heard the bell that was attached to the door ring, looking back to see Jirou and Denki. I smiled, waving her over to the table. She walked over and sat next to me while chuckling. " You two took a while. " I smirked, nudging her side. " Oh- I didn't know I took that long getting dressed. " She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. " Nevermind.. " I sighed in annoyance, continuing to take notes. About 24 minutes into the study session, Jirou nudged me playfully and wiggled her eyebrows. " What..? " I mumbled, raising my left eye brow in confusion. " Someone's watching you~.. " She cooed, gesturing towards Sero and Kaminari's table. I shot a glance over to their table, just to see Sero dazing at me again. I felt my blood go hot and my cheeks started burning up. " Ooohh~? " Jirou smirked, leaning back and putting her hand on her chest. " Someone's in love? " She continued to tease, winking at me while doing her annoying lip bite. I sighed and put my head down on the desk. She just laughed and rested her hand on my back. " Stop being a pussy and just go tell him you like him, N/n " Jirou whispered, nudging me in a assuring way. " No. " I said with the most blunt tone I could ever pull. She just blinked and stared at me as I lifted my head up, continuing to flip through the pages of the book while taking side notes. 

I'm sorry but my cat is too cute.

I'm sorry but my cat is too cute

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