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After school, we were all gathered in the common room, cheering and screaming except for me and Rikido. We were in the kitchen baking a cake for the celebration. We were making both, a chocolate, and white cake. We were goofing around, throwing dough at each other while singing to music, once again. Music filled the dormitory with flashing, colorful lights as everyone partied in the common room. Me and Sato were best friends, although we never really talked in class because he'd always focus. But when I wasn't in the mood to hang out with the others, I'd always hang out with him. I mean, I've known him since kindergarten, so I guess that kind of explains..? But anyways, off topic. We were throwing dough, and flower at each other while laughing. Thank god nobody could hear us over the music. Suddenly, he grabbed a hand full of dough and smacked it in my face. Laughing, I smiled and threw some flour at him. After a few more minutes of goofing around, we cleaned up the mess we made and got back on track with the cakes. I added icing to the chocolate cake, and little chocolate beads to the top of the icing while humming. Sato was taking the white(vanilla) cake out of the oven, setting it on the counter to cool. I walked and sat the chocolate cake on the table while humming. I covered my face as the lights shone in my face, nearly blinding me. I chuckled as Sero and Denki started hea d banging in a stupid way, slowly making my way back to the kitchen. Suddenly while I was walking back to the kitchen, I felt someone grab my arm as a Hispanic song started playing. I was dragged to the common room, just to start Salsa Dancing with no other, Hanta Sero. " Hola ahi hermoso. " He winked, biting his bottom lip. My face flushed pink as I seen Sato poke his head out from the kitchen. He finally spotted me, and smiled, giving me a thumbs up before disappearing back into the kitchen. I whimpered, my cheeks turning to a darker shade of red while I smiled nervously. " Something wrong, hermoso? " He arched his eyebrow, smirking at me. Chuckling, I turned my head away with a sheepish smile. " Y-Yep! Everything's fine! " I whined, looking at Jirou with a pleading look. She just smiled innocently and turned back to the others while dancing like nothing happened. I chuckled, suddenly being twirled around, then dipped by Sero. I giggled, with a closed eye smile, my cheeks a rosy red. He smiled with his usual toothy smile, his cheeks a light pink hue. Once the song ended, he let go of me with a flirtatious wink. I smiled, slowly making my way back to the kitchen with wobbly legs. 

Sorry this is short! I'm clean out of motivation. But I have an idea for a MCYT x Reader, so I guess when my motivation decides to arrive, I'll continue this.

A Latino's Love~ Sero Hanta x Reader ~Where stories live. Discover now