Test Results!

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The next day, we all gathered in the classroom at the normal time, chatter overlapping any other sounds as everyone bickered about how nervous they were to get the results for the test, since the results depended on if someone'd be coming on the vacation. They'd be posting the test results on the bill board infront of the class. We all stood up as Aizawa came in, pinning a sheet of paper to the bill board. We all gasped, running and shoving to see our test results. I was in the back of the group, standing on the balls of my feet, trying to see. Suddenly after everyone examined the sheet and got their scores, they all turned back and looked at me. I arched my eyebrow as I frowned, making my way to the bill board after they all cleared out. I examined the paper, looking for my name and score. My eyes trailed to the letters at the top of the paper that read ; Y/n L/n : 100%. My jaw dropped, eyes wide as I stared blankly at the letters. My face turned red from embarrassment as I slowly walked back to me desk, chewing on the inside of my cheek. I sat down, hiding my face with my hair as Aizawa cleared his throat. " Alright. Surprisingly everybody passed the test, and will be going on the vacation. " He sighed, crossing his arms. Everybody cheered, their faces lighting up with joy. I smiled, slowly lifting my head up. Sero tapped my shoulder, his toothy grin plastered on his face. I giggled, turning around to look at him. " What?.. " " I just wanted to say congrats on getting 100 percent! " He chuckled, patting my shoulder. I smiled nervously, rubbing the back of my neck while my cheeks flushed red from the embarrassment. " Thanks I guess.. " Is all I managed to mutter while everyone else started chatting again, an exciting aura swirling around the room. I turned back around, just to be captured in a hug by him. I looked over to see him standing beside me, bending down while hugging me. My face a dark red hue, I stared down at him with parted lips. He looked peaceful in my arms, almost like a innocent baby sleeping. I sighed, patting his head while smiling sheepishly. I suddenly heard cooing from Jirous desk, only to find her, Mina, and the other girls smirking at me and wiggling their eyebrows. I grumbled something under my breath, rolling my eyes while glaring at them. Jirou chuckled, turning away while I huffed. Sero pulled away with a toothy smile. I chuckled slightly, patting his head. I couldn't tell, but it looked like his face turned red, but he turned away before I could see. I chuckled, shaking my head as I took out my drawing notebook. 

A/N : Sorry this was short! I'm multi-tasking right now, doing past due assignments and doing this at the same time!

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