A Sweet Kitten

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I typed this chapter earlier on today, but I'm just now posting it at 2am.
Date : 11/11/22

I held the kitten close, closing my eyes as the cold air of November hit my face. My birthday was in just 3 days, and I found myself the perfect present. Yes, each year I tend to get myself my own birthday gift. I sighed, walking into the dormitory with Denki, Jirou and Sero. Somehow I managed to sneak the kitten upstairs to my dorm, and was able to get it comfortable. Since tomorrow was Sunday, I figured I'd get up early and go to a pet store to get it some things. I mean, if I went during broad daylight and was carrying cat stuff into a dormitory where there was a strict rule ; " No Pets Allowed " I'd obviously get in trouble. But for the time being, the kitten would sleep on a fluffy blanket I barely ever used, and gave her some stuffed animals to chew and claw up. I decided to name her Luna for the moment. The reason I say 'for the moment' is because I might not be able to keep her. I mean, of course if she didn't have rabies or anything I'd keep her and she'd secretly live in my dorm with me, but I'm not sure if she has rabies, or any other kind of condition, so I set up an appointment at a Animal Hospital to get her checked for any diseases. I climbed into bed, snuggling up to one of my Squish-Mallows before falling asleep, just to be woken up what felt like a minute later to the sound of my 6 o'clock alarm going off. I looked around, groaning before spotting the kitten sitting at the end of my bed. I jumped, maybe letting out a slight scream before recalling the moment I settled the kitten in, as I'd completely forgotten that I brought a baby cat to my dorm. I sat up out of bed, dragging my feet to the closet. I swung the doors open, grabbing a grey hoodie and black slides, then walking to my dresser and pulling out a pair of grey sweats and black ankle socks. After changing, I grabbed my credit card ( or wallet ) and grabbed the kitten. I mean, it was a kitten. I couldn't trust it not to tear up my dorm, so I carried it outside and started walking to the nearest pet store. About 2 hours later, I had a cart full of stuff, such as a cat bed, toys, catnip, a collar, food and water bowls and some canned cat food. I ordered an uber, standing on the sidewalk while waiting on it to arrive. I placed all the bags into the back seat, getting in the front while closing the door gently. " Where too miss? " The driver asked, looking at me. " UA Dormitory please! " I smiled, giving him the directions. 

An Hour Later I guess

After setting everything up, I put the collar on the tiny kitten just to hear pots and pans clattering downstairs. " I guess someone's awake. " I huffed, checking the time to see it was 9:39 am. Usually everybody sleeps until 11, but I guess someone decided to be a early bird today. I waited until Luna fell asleep, then left my dorm, closing the door softly as to not wake the kitten from it's slumber. I walked downstairs to see Rikido Sato cooking bacon. " Trying something new I see? " I chuckled, walking in the kitchen to help. " Yeah! I figured if I can bake, and cook sweets I can try to make bacon, eggs and biscuits? " He chuckled, looking back at me. " What do you need help with? " I asked, grabbing a glass of water. " Can you grab glasses and pour orange juice in them, then cut up the fruit? " He smiled nervously, quickly flipping the bacon. " Yep! " I smiled, grabbing enough glasses for everyone, setting them on the counter then grabbing the jug of orange juice from the fridge. I poured about half a glass in each cup before eventually running out. I threw the jug away, then grabbing strawberries, apples and blueberries. I cut the strawberries and apples into thin slices, putting them in bowls after washing them, and the blueberries. About 30 minutes later, the smell of the freshly-made breakfast lead everyone downstairs to find both me and Sato singing to music and making breakfast. ( Pretend there's a table that fits all of class 1A in the dormitory.. ) I was dancing around happily, basically twirling in circled to the music while setting the bowls of fruit, and the glasses of orange juice on the table, grabbing the plates of scrambled eggs and bacon and putting them in the middle of the table. " What's next Rikido-Kun? " I smiled, putting my elbows on the counter. " I'm just waiting on the biscuits to fini- " He spoke before the oven timer went off, notifying him that the biscuits were done. Chuckling, I continued twirling around the table, singing along to the music, very much unaware of the crowd that was crowded in the living area, watching the show.
" Wow.. " Sero smiled, crossing his arms while watching how smoothly Y/n moved.

A Latino's Love~ Sero Hanta x Reader ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora