Chapter Six

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"Not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do is the secret of happiness." – J.M. Barrie

The following week I find myself staying late at the office. There is a new marketing campaign we're working on, and even though the project has been started by Adam, it's my job to improve and bring it to completion.

With a yawn I can barely stifle behind my hand, I stand up from my chair to stretch my legs. It's after seven p.m. and the skyline is already getting darker over the tops of the buildings crowding this part of Manhattan. The office is nearly deserted, as it should be at this hour, but the light in Kyle's office is still on, so I decide to make my way over there for a break and some conversation.

As I close the distance between our offices, I hear voices and realize that he is not alone. I'm about to change my mind and turn on my heels when he catches my eye through the glass door. With a smile, he gestures for me to come in.

"Hi," I say from behind the ajar door, poking just my head inside. "Didn't mean to disturb you. I just wanted to see how you were before finishing up for the day."

"Come on in," he says just as the man across the desk from him turns his head in my direction. "This is Julian Carr. Julian, meet my new head of marketing, Carina Savin."

The man in question rises from his seat to take my hand into his warm one. He is dressed in a navy suit that hugs his impressive build and a crisp white shirt that looks like it has just been ironed, which I'm sure is not the case.

"I've heard good things," he says in a deep timbre, one corner of his mouth curling up.

I smile back. "I'm sorry I can't say the same."

"Julian is a good friend of mine," Kyle clarifies. "He was in the area and stopped by to say hello."

"Childhood friends, actually," Julian corrects. "Don't forget I've seen you buck naked running across my parents' lawn one too many times."

Kyle chuckles. "How can I forget when you keep reminding me every chance you get?" Then he turns to me. "Working late again?"

"Yeah, the promotional materials need to be finished by next week and we're only halfway done. But we'll get there."

"Can't wait to finally see them."

"You're sure you don't want to see what I'm working on now, before I finish and there's no turning back?"

In all honesty, I'm only half joking. This is the first project I've done for him, and he's giving me free rein to do what I want. I'm starting to think there might just be a touch of insanity to his decision. Either that or he is just too trusting of someone he hasn't worked with before.

He waves off my concern dismissively. "I know you'll surprise me."

Julian's green eyes are sparkling with amusement. "Don't question it. You'll soon learn that there is some logic to his apparent impulsiveness."

"If you're looking for someone to mop your floors, I might just be available starting next week," I tell him with mock gravity.

He laughs, low and deep, showing lines around his mouth. He is handsome, but I try not to think that way about my boss's friend. "Sadly that position is filled, but maybe I could find something else for you."

"You're not going anywhere and the materials will be great," Kyle intervenes before I get the chance to lament some more. "Why don't you finish for the day and head home to rest. Tomorrow is a new day."

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