Chapter 7: Something Good Out of A Bad Situation

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Bridget: So now what?

Rocky: I... I'm not sure. Should we just drive around and see if there's something for us?

Bridget: Sure. Not much else we can do

Rocky could tell she's really bummed out by this. He knows they were only going as friends and all, but he felt like he should at least try to cheer her up. That's when she got a call

Bridget: Hey mom... No, not really, what's up?... I'm so sorry! I wish I could bring someone with me or just go myself but I don't think I can make it! I-I promise to make it up to you... I know but I wanna. How about I stop by tomorrow and we can celebrate or something. Ok then. Bye

Rocky: Something wrong?

Bridget: No, just a performance at my mom's studio

Rocky: Oh? What kind? Well I mean if you're ok with me asking

Bridget: It's a singing performance for all the families of the students she teaches. I usually make it every year but I guess I won't be able to

He can hear a little sadness in her voice at the end. Giving him an idea

Rocky: Well we're in a car, we have nothing better to do, when does it end?

Bridget: It's 2 hours long, I'd expect it's half an hour in. The studio is in the middle of Plasma town on Main Street but there's no way we can make it in time. It's a 2 and a half hour drive at least

He takes a second to think about where that is

Rocky: We might be able to make it to the final performance. I know a shortcut that will barely get us there in time. Want to take the chance?

Bridget: What do we have to lose? I like taking chances every now and then so let's give it a try

He speeds up a little, taking a bunch of strange turns, but the silence starts to get annoying. Cause of this, Bridget tried to think of something for them to do or talk about

Bridget: Wanna play truth or dare without the dare?

He laughs a little

Rocky: Sure. You can go first

Bridget: What is the strangest thing Mia has asked you?

Rocky: She once asked me what animal they kill to make red ink. I then had to explain to her the difference between ink, and blood. I did learn why she hated anything in red ink or paint though. What is the weirdest thing you've had to eat or drink?

Bridget: I got a good story for that one. A few friends of mine and Ace were all over at my house. We took a bunch of random drinks and expired milk, put it in the toilet with water, flushed it, then I had to drink it! There wasn't any poop or pee cause all the pipes and the toilet was replaced before but I still had to get my stomach pumped and we were all grounded for a month

Rocky: Aww! You make me wanna puke just thinking about it

Bridget: Sorry, sorry. Oh, what's the dumbest thing you've done with a friend

Rocky: I Umm. I've never really had friends I could have done things like that with. I struggled to make friends in the first place but every time I did I always felt like a 3rd wheel. Even on 1 on 1 situations

Bridget: Oh man. I'm sorry to hear that. I bet if we knew each other while we were kids, you'd have a lot more friends to have fun with. I was always popular so I made sure everyone had a friend to hang with

Rocky: So you used your crazy number of friends, to give everyone a friend instead. That's really nice of you

Bridget: It was my way of giving back and getting rid of them. I only wanted maybe 3-4 friends not counting Ace.

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