SS Next Gen References

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Welcome readers! Longish time readers will already know what this is, but for new readers, welcome! This is basically the author's commentary where I just talk about references or little details. So let's get started!!!

Prologue. I'm gonna explain this in chunks of who's life it is

The DogoBogo Jungle was in the OG story but as a new book completely, might as well say it's a Henry Stickmin Collection reference.

Spark having a bounty hunting company has been somethjng I keep forgetting to try and write. I'm my mind it is somewhat like the Citadel of Ricks from Rick and Morty with a central location bounty hunters across the multiverse get people to hunt, turn them in, get paid and trained. My thoughts are that he was taught by the man in charge of the full operation so they have a close relationship as Spark has become so efficient at his old job. In my mind Ella loves little kids and singing, so a place where she teaches is her dream job. Spark is famous in the car community as his creations are incredible and make cars more efficient. Also, Spark absolutely made a 'but her aim is getting better!!' Joke in the final battle with the piglin king. He wears an eyepatch because the arrow that was shot in his eye was tipped with a poison that permanently stops any healing. He could have just kept a robot eye, but he thinks the eyepatch mixed with the scars makes him look cool. Plus, one other thing later in life makes him almost always keep it on

I completely gave up with the Diamond gauntlet plot. There was gonna be a huge battle to finish the story, but much like with ES, I don't think a final fight would work so no more gauntlet for Diamond.

The New Generation

Bridget is a name I always kinda liked. Originally I heard it from Total Drama, but our Bridget doesn't have anything in common with the TD Bridget besides name (ok, and gender). Look wise, I've been stumped. I've been debating between long blonde hair, and hair like Luz from Owl House but I decided to go something basic. Powers are a mix between Feedback from Ben 10, and deadpool cause... 4th wall breaking is funny

Ace was simple. Shy kid and voice of reasoning, great cooking, Bridget's best friend

Rocky has learned how to be protective and strong, purely to protect Mia. Mia's childness is sort of her way of not thinking about her old life. She wants to see life as a kid does, magical and full of good! But some day she'll have to face the truth.

No other characters have anything interesting to talk about

Chapter 1

Ace originally has a bigger role. He was sort of going to be the main character, but I forgot that honestly... The joke with what Rose said to Solar is a reference to a ESAU back on Deviantart. I want to give credit, but I can't find who made it. I know they made a lot of ESAUs, but I can't remember in a way that could help search for them.

Bridget taking her head off is another side effect of being a cyborg, and just something she loves to do as a prank.

Another case of 'I was gonna write this but then I forgot' (I should have a counter for that), Lola is a horrible cook but has a big ego and insisted on cooking because she says she's the best.

Spark has pretty much just accepted any of Bridget's random/crazy ideas so he just said 'ok, sure' when he hears her plan

The one dimensional bleached blond insult is from Gravity Falls

And once again, I had the plan to have 1 chapter for everyone in the squad where they are the main character, buuuut I forgot.

Chapter 2

Ok I stole this entire chapter from Skizzleman on Youtube, so we're just going to skip this. It's a fun story and it's way better the way he said it so go watch that instead of heading the chapter

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