Chapter 8: Childhood Love

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It was half an hour after Sunshine left the performance to go meet her boyfriend. While she was gone, Alex took some time to make her a birthday cake to celebrate her birthday! Only thing is his brain hasn't been as good as it used to be. Old injuries I guess

Alex: Did I really just put candles on an icecream cake and light it? What was I thinking?!

He put them out before the entire cake melted. But it wasn't going to affect much. Sunshine came bursting through the door and ran straight to her room crying

Alex: Woah, Sun, what's wrong?

She didn't stop. Alex tried to text her boyfriend to see if he knew what's up with no response for a while. Then he called Ella, Spark and Bridget just to see if they knew anything. They had no idea so he asked the source of the sadness herself. She was in her room, hugging a pillow while still crying slightly

Alex: Sunshine?

Sunshine: I don't wanna talk. Just leave me alone

Alex: Are you sure? It's your birthday and I don't want you to be alone. What if I called Kyle? He usually makes you happy

Sunshine: I don't wanna hear his name ever again. He cheated on me! And the person he was cheating on also didn't know!

Alex: Wait real? Oh man I'm so sorry to hear that

Sunshine: I don't want anything anymore. The love of my life is just some 2 face lying cheater! Now I just feel alone in the world

Alex: You still have your family, and I'll always be there for you if you want. I get you wanna be left alone so, I'll give you some space. Just call me if you need anything at all

He let her be. He understands that this is a big deal and doesn't want to make it worse. He have her the cake still because everyone when sad always gets a tub of icecream and he still wants her to have at least some joy at the end of her birthday. That's when he got a call back from Spark

Spark: Hey Alex. Listen. You probobly know Sunshine the best out of everyone I know now, and I have to bring bad news to her so I need some help

Alex: Jeez what's wrong? A lot is going on in her world right now so it might not be the best time

Spark: Her boyfriend Kyle, he has a HUGE bounty on his head. He's also wanted by a few governments for "Breaking the geneva convention, owning and creation of a nuclear reactor with stolen parts, and cheating with at least 5 girlfriends at once." Point is he's a wanted man and Sunshine's gonna have her heart broken hearing it.

Alex: Well she just found out about the cheating thing. If anything him being wanted might bring her some joy in a revengeance sorta way

Spark chuckles at that part but is really sad to hear she isn't taking the news well

Spark: Can you keep us posted on her? Ella and I want to talk to her, but we get she needs some time alone

Alex: For sure. I know she really likes old memories of her and Bridget so maybe you could send us some and I could share them in hopes they have some effect

Spark: Good idea. I'll be sure to send some

Alex: Thanks. Bye

Spark: Bye

He hangs up and just looks over in the direction of her room. He's never seen her so sad before. Well, except for the time Bridget almost died but she was more in denial that she was dead then sad but still.

A few days later, he heard something new from her room. Ukulele music. She would always play it when she was happy, tired, or wanted to feel happy again. This was the signal he needed to know she was ready to talk to others. But there was something about the song she chose. It was Just a Friend to You by Meghan Trainor. The song was about 2 people who want to love each other but can't because things keep happening...

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