Chapter 6: Battle Plan

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Everyone was now back at Stormwind trying to figure out what to do next. Grommash, Thrall, Barry, Cisco, Anduin, and Blackhand. Jaina just came in.

"The Dragons are now resting in restoring their energy." Jaina said.

"So what now?" Grommash asked.

"We might not have a plan, but now we know something we didn't before, something I'm hoping can help us." Barry said.

"What's that?" Blackhand asked.

"Where Gul'dan goes when he disappears. When he opened a portal to escape, I saw inside of it, just for a moment. And guys, I've seen space like that before. Inside of an singularity or a black hole as it's called." Barry explained.

"Whoa.... So what this means is, when Gul'dan disappears, he's not just teleporting around. No, he's jumping back and forth between points in dimensional space." Cisco said.

"I think I know what happened now. When Sylvanas broke the Lich King's helmet, it opened the rift to the Shadowlands, it gave Gul'dan the window he needed to escape. Only he's been stuck as spiritual orb, stuck in the spiritual dimension, trying to be whole again." Barry said.

"And now that he's complete, he move back and forth between that hell dimension and here at will." Greymane said.

"All this time, we've been wondering why now would Gul'dan show up after 27 years?" Jaina said.

"It's because he's been searching for a way to make a physical body. He needed the crystals, your tech, and the Dragon Aspects' power to do it." Anduin said.

"It took him this long because of how far he had to travel in that dimension as well." Barry said.

"Sweet PRIMUS!!! Trans-dimensional particles." Cisco said.

"Okay, now you're just making stuff up." Blackhand said.

"No, no, no, no, look. Now that I know that his upgraded powers are literally from out of this world, it makes me think that we need something cosmic. And folks, I know the gadget that can we can augment and use to defend ourselves against Gul'dan." Cisco said as he shows them on the screens the gadget.

"The Mental Augmentation Chamber

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"The Mental Augmentation Chamber." Barry said.

"The M.A.C. saved our friend Chester's life by absorbing the entire mass of black hole energy that he accidentally unleashed a couple of years ago." Cisco said.

"And black holes are composed of trans-dimensional particles." Barry said.

"Exactly. Now, this is gonna sound a little nuts. But what if we adjust the M.A.C. so that instead of absorbing trans-dimensional energy, it emits cosmic craziness instead?" Cisco suggested.

"We'd finally be able to fire with fire." Thrall said.

"Yeah. Yeah, but it's not like we can just turn the M.A.C. into into a portable cannon or shield." Cisco said getting them to realize what they would need.

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