Ch 4 The Turmoil of the Beehive

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Garterbelt: Daten City. Sometimes, it feels like a vacuous place where everyone wants to be number one, especially in high school. The guys want the girls to want them and the girls want the other girls to want to be them. However, sometimes being the best means being the worst.

As the Morning sun was Coming up everyone was in there Bedrooms deep in sleep, As you were sleeping deeply Someone was in your room and they made there way to you and snuggled up underneath the sheets, It was Panty again as always, Hoping that she will finally get a sneak peak to see what your packing in those Boxers.

she also takes this opportunity to feel your muscles as well. I mean your no Dwayne the rock Johnson but your pretty well built . But before she could do anything , The bed fall through and she screams which wakes you up and you also scream as you were both falling and screaming as well.

Meanwhile with Garterbelt he was reading his book until he closes it as you Panty and your bed landed in front of him, then stocking falls down as well while she was on the toilet and some pee splashed but Garterbelt Quickly pulls an umbrella to keep himself safe, he then put down the pee soaked umbrella down that says the word pee written in....well pee. and looks at you and the girls.

Good morning, angels and Y/N. It's so nice of you to grace us with your most charming presence today.

Panty: This is who I'm waking up to? Asshole!

You: Seriously Padre? would it kill you to make us come here, Just wake up people the normal way like any other person would. ( looks at panty ) and why are you in my bed...Did you try to get in my pants again?

Panty : Well I almost made it this time until he ruined it

Stocking then speaks up.

Stocking: I'm not gonna stop what I was doing, so you'll only have yourself to blame for smell, Preacher Douchebag.

Garterbelt: ( puts his hand up ) I'm gonna ignore that and keep talking. Alright, tartlets ..And Y/N. We have a grave situation on your hands.

Panty: ( she leans on Y/N side for comfort) Yeah, I'll bet. Let me guess, it's another rogue shitstorm.

( Stocking was leaning on Y/N other side while she was eating chocolate ice cream that....for some reason looks like poop....Gross )

Garterbelt: The only shitstorm here is the one coming out your mouth on a daily basis, but I've prepared for it this time.

Chuck: Chuck! ( pulls out a small man...Who looks like a small dick )

Garterbelt: Ladies and Panty, meet our new client. The Principal of Daten City's academic institution. We only have one here, apparently.

You: * Am i seriously the only one who thinks this dude looks like a dick?....and did he call me a lady that ass hole?*

Panty: Client for what? I don't do old dudes.

You: Didn't you fuck a biker last week?

Principal: Oh, well, that's just... Oh, never mind. Well, the thing is our students are missing or rather going missing ( Chuck jumps up and bits him....for some reason ) OUCH I tried calling the police but they can't figure it out.

Stocking: And there must be a ghost behind it, right? Can I go now?

Principal: It's more than a ghost! It's the devil himself! Please save our school! ( runs up to Panty's Leg and dry humps her ) Oh, Jiminy! That feels amazing just a little to the left.

You kick him oof her so hard that he fly's a few feet away

You: Hey man that's a Lady show some respect.

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