Ch 12 Les Diaboliques Part 1

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 ( Ok this Chapter is really long so its going to be a three parts...Maybe )

It was the middle of the night and you and the girls were in the school hunting for some Ghosts and you had found some...actually a shit ton of them and though were killing them all not one of you have had one single coin from them





You: ( pulled out your Cross and aimed it at the Ghosts ) In the name of the father the son And- Oh for fuck sake you get the idea so just die.

( your Cross shines and burns the Ghosts away but coins )

Stocking: Ugh...Can a sista get paid?! For real!

Panty: Right? How many of these fuckers have we killed?!

Stocking: Way more than the shit change we've been gettin' for 'em!

Panty: Dude, Little Miss Garter was full of shit. "Easy money," my hot ass!

You: I don't Understand we have doing this for a long time what the hell are we doing wrong?

You and the girls take a break as you were waiting outside for them in the lady's bathroom while they were having a break...peeing that is...and they were having a chat as well.

Stocking: Not that I mind being completely bored all goddamn day in a high school, but I mind being completely bored goddamn day in high school.

Panty: I mean, Jesus! Remember when killing Ghosts was fun?! [...] It's like whenever I do anal: great in theory but so not worth the pain.

Stocking: Too much information.

Panty: It'd be different if I was having some fun! But these Ghosts are lame. Lame-o! [... She looks up and she sees a small Ghost] Hello, screamer, now that's more like it! HEY Y/N GET IN HERE WE HAVE A GHOST!!

You entered the bathroom and looked up and saw it.

You entered the bathroom and looked up and saw it

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You:....Wow...that thing looks so damm small and pathetic...I almost pity it 

the girls then grabbed the little guy and they pinned him down.

Stocking: Okay, this guy is pathetic. I don't know if he should count as a Ghost.

Panty: I don't give a shit as long as it knows how to holler!

Loser Ghost: That's what she said! ( it says as it slips from there grasp and runs away and jumps in the toilet.

Panty: Ew... That was gross.

Stocking: You asked for it! Havin' fun yet?

Panty: Fuck that! I'm not stickin' my fist in there!

Stocking: Not often you get to say that!

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