Ch 7 Little Lamb

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4 days later after the whole Wolf and red hood thing incident things were quiet for the time being and you and the girls were taking the day off just relaxing, You were in your room doing some forms of studies trying to look into the whole you turning into a demon and About that Red door you saw, But you were also curios' about that name you heard as well...Anung Un Rama, You searched and searched through all of the books you had and the ones the the Padre gave you as well but still nothing.

A few minutes later you heard a knock at your door and put the books away for a second and walk over to see who it was.

It was the girls, As Panty Pulls you in for a hug Stocking gets a little annoyed because she wanted to hug you first.

Stocking: what the hell Panty you Bitch, I wanted to hug him first.

Panty: You Snooze you loose sis, But hey Y/N Its been a while we haven't seen you in days

You: Well im sorry you girls haven't seen me in a while but i have been super busy with work...I have been trying to figure out what the hell happened to me that day.

Panty: You mean you turning all red ,Growing jagged Horns and having glowing Tattoos?...Yeah that was kind of weird as hell.

Stocking: Yeah what gives. I thought you said you had no powers what so ever.

You: I Don't. Other then the  shadow form that I can use with the help of the Tattoo on my hand that's it. I'm also trying to look up this name that I heard while I was unconscious...the name i heard was "Anung Un Rama"

Stocking: do you nee some help?

You: well It would make things go faster if I had some help so yeah

Several minutes later you and the girls were going through some books...well you and stocking were at the very least. Panty was just skimming through some that had no pictures or reading ones that had pictures and she keeps asking you something or what is this thing or what's that thing and what nut. She also finds a book about Mythical monsters...see Exorcist's don't just Hunt demons and ghosts. they also catch Monsters as well...In the Midville ages some Exorcist's used to help out a small order Called Witcher' thanks for the help over the years, some copies of there books were given to them and were passed down over the generations, It wasn't easy for Garterbelt to find these books for you but he did 

You: ( you put a book down and let out a sigh ) Sigh...Dam I getting tired as hell...lets take a break here and have some lunch will continue this in 20 minutes.

( fortunately for you , You have two Minnie fridge's in your room since you  spend long hours here working, One fridge has a lot of Booze...and the other one has some sandwiches and snacks take some out and give some to the girls)

as you three were eating Panty looks back at that one book about Mythical beats and she asks you about one.

Panty: Hey Y/N What's this?

you looked over and saw the page 

You: Its Called a Harpy. Some are repulsed by rotfiends, other cannot stand tales of bullvores, but I find harpies, beasts of ugly temper and penchant for thieving, the worst of all. Fortunately, harpies prefer wild, mountainous areas, full of rocky ledges they can build their nests on. However they always establish themselves near a human settlement. This is done for thus simple reason that they wouldn't be able to steal much from animals.

There are many harpy species, and all are kleptomaniacs, though some steal dreams instead of baubles. They especially like dreams laden with strong emotions, such as nightmares that recur time and again. The harpies' victims lose such dreams - which is actually a blessing in the case of nightmares - and the beasts enclose them in crystals, creating items that strongly radiate magic. Mages desire the dreams stolen by these creatures, so much so that they breed harpies in order that they may filch their booty at daybreak. Yet it is rare for a stolen dream or nightmare to be powerful enough, or to come from a powerful enough creature, to satisfy a sorcerer.

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