Ch 5 Sex and the Daten City

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It was nighttime as a Plane was Flying, But then all of a sudden it explodes and there was a massive ghost like monster attacking the city as the people were screaming for help. But Before the Monster could attack anyone see through came out of nowhere and hits the Ghost monster and it falls as Panty and stocking come out looking bad ass

Panty: I don't see no Ghost!

Stocking: Who you gonna call, mother-bitches?

As the ghost was about to get up and attack the girls you then came out of nowhere and gave that Ghost the most powerful right hook the face and it falls back on the ground and then you pulled out your cross and started to chant the words

You: In the name of the father the son and the holy ghost, I command you evil spirit. Return back to the depths of hell

With those words your cross glows and so does the Ghost as well as the ghost and it explodes and you land next to the girls as you three take a heroic pose of victory and the people cheer for you.

But then all of a sudden a building turns into a ghost monster with many eyes and all three of you looked back shocked

Trailer Narrator: Coming this winter!

You and the Girls were in the middle of an epic fight as your enemies tried to attack you but they never stood a chance against you

Trailer Narrator: Watch the most epic movie of the century.

You and the girls were driving on the road but as they were driving the girls were talking about you.

Panty: All I want is for him to tell me I'm the one! Is that too much to ask? ( she looks back at you but you weren't listening as you were reading the bible and praying to god to keep you and the girls safe. )

Stocking: I'm sorry, but he's just not that into you.

Panty: Girlfriend, fuck you! ( she flips her off )

Trailer Narrator: SEX AND THE DATEN CITY. Rated M for Mature.

All over Daten city there were billboards , Magazines and news papers and so on of you and the girls. Basically you three are the biggest Celebrities in town.

Meanwhile with panty she was currently at a Photoshoot trying on all kinds of sexy outfits

Photographer: That's it, Panty! Work it, baby! Yeah! That's it! Be the tiger! Be the tiger!

Panty: ( sexy voice ) Meow!

after about 40 to 69 pics later they were done for the day.

Photographer: Great! That's a wrap!

Panty was walking down the hallway as her team of make up artist and security were leading her out, with her was also her right hand man Mack.

Mack: You were un-effing-believable today, Panty!

Panty: Tell me something I don't know. When can we go shopping?

Mack: That's gonna have to wait till next week. Right now, you have three commercials for hair products, a talk show with four bitter lesbians, and then you NEED to make an appearance at a party. ( as soon as they exited the building they were greeted by thousand's of fans with cameras and sings that say we love you Panty. ) Careful not to flash the naughty bits!

Panty: Fabulous. I'd also like to break a window and design a cheap, trashy teen fashion line.

Mack: ( pulls out a small book and writes it all down ) That's the best idea I've ever heard in my entire life! I'm going to pencil that shit in right now. ...  ( looks away and talks to a guy as he was also on his phone ) Meeting with Bubbles next Tuesday, and it's Blossom's birthday week. Send her a post card signed "Love, Panty."

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