Ch 10 High School Nudical

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It was a quiet night as you were in the living room reading a book and having some tea and lambing was sleeping on your lap, while the girls were next to you and they were doing maitanece on there weapons

Panty: Nnn Uagh... I'm so fucking bored! Why the fuck do we have to do this shit?! Seriously, how backwards is this? We're sitting at home, on a weekend, alone, jacking off to goddamn machinery!

Stocking looks at her blade and it cracks a bit, chuck then walks off laughing at her

Chuck: Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck...

*Stocking stabs him and takes off her goggles and looks at her sister *

Stocking: I can't tell you how much I love it when you get dramatic. It's like you really don't know the answer to that question. Gee, I don't know, Panty. You think maybe we'll get the wrath of the afro-queen if these weapons aren't prepped?
You: she is right panty it's important to keep your weapons maintain

Panty: ( she takes one of her weapons and Jack's it off) Ooh! "My name's Stocking and I would rather sit home and jack off machinery than go out on the weekends like a real girl does!" (the weapon brakes in her hand) Come on, this goes against everything that we were created to do! Let's ditch that man-twat!

Stocking: You know the purpose of our existence? Look, why don't you just take over his job, alright? Just kill them all and you can take over for him.

Panty: (*her phone beeps and she Chuckles to herself, then styles hair to look like Garter, using her phone as a microphone*) Hello, Stockin'. I'm here to interrupt yo life and tell you that we have been blessed with another heavenly mandate. Check it, hookers!... You too y/n (*Shows her phone screen to Stocking*)

Stocking : Lingerie Marathon?

You : ( reads what it says) Lingerie Marathon being held at the Daten city High school wild party first followed by a underwaer only running marathon.... Lots of booze.
Hmm... Sounds cool.. Fuck it I say we go.

Panty : hell yeah.

Stocking : hmm I don't know.

Panty : ( she smiles and leans in and whispers in her Sister ear) it's a Underware only party... That means we will see Y/N in his underwear only... All muscles exposed.

When she said that stocking face was so red she looked like a tomato.

Some time later somewhere else there was a big party happening at the school as teens were partying there asses off... The guys shredded there shirts and flex there muscles and the girls drop there skirts.

Everyone was having a good time... Well not all... There was one person who was having a shit time... And of course it's our looser friend Brief. He was currently surrounded by three massive jocks who were making fun at him because he came to this party fully clothed.

Jock 1: Ha look at this looser.

Jock 2 : this is a Underware only party ya pussy.


They dropped him on his ass and they laugh at him.

Soon after you and the girls make a dramatic entrance with the car as it his the jocks and them flying and they land head first into the boobs of some girls ( like literally there upside-down with there heads inside some boobs).... Lucky basterds.

Soon you and the girls come out the car as the girls were wearing there sexiest longara... And you just in boxers showing off some muscles of all kind.

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