Part 9

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A/n: I haven't updated here in awhileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Chaeyoung Pov

As we left the front of the school to my special place... The dandelion feild.

When we both arrived, Mina just admired the veiw and enjoyed it, after all the looking, she turned to me "Chaeyoungie?" I looked back at her and hummed "Hm?" She takes in a deep breath before saying "Why did you bring me here?" I suddenly asked myself that question WHY did I bring her here ? I then answered her "This is my special place and I decided to bring you here because why not?" She nods "Oh, well this is a very nice place" I smile at her mention to the place I love so much.

After admiring the veiw she said she needed to go to Bambam's place, I roll my eyes when I heard his name, "I have to go now" I just nod "are you ok here?" It's ok but not without you... That's what I wanted to say, but being my stupid self "Hm yeah" Is what I answered, "Oh ok Bye Chaeyoungie" she kisses my cheek and I blushed of course, I wish on the dandelions everytime for Mina to be mine, but... I know that she'll never be mine, and that's sad truth...

Mina Pov

As I walked to Bambam's house, I was thinking of why did I kiss Chaeyoung on the cheek... it made me feel giddy and blush. I've noticed I'm more closer than with my boyfriend... but I still love Bambam, I just love Chaeyoung as a friend.

As I went into the house I was met with Bambam on his couch looking down, I was confused, it was strange... did I do something wrong?

"Bambam?" I closed the door and went closer to him, he finally looked up at me with no emotion "What's wrong?" He looks at me and says "We need to break up..." I widen my eyes, I started to tear up "W-why?" He sighs "We need to-" I cut him off "I heard the first time, I don't need to hear it again, I'm asking why? what the fuck was the reason?" He just looks at me "If you're just gonna look at me, I'll see myself out. Good bye" I then felt a hand around my arm, stopping me in my tracks "I just lost interest you..." He let go of my arm and I just walked away and slammed the door.

As I was walking home, I was just sobbing on why he would leave me, he's just another idiot like all my past relationships, I mean... He was good at the start and then started to become his real self, 10. He was selfish 9. He was jaded 8. He was dumb 7. He always showed off how Big his grades are, but in bed he wasn't good enough... and his dick was... not the best I would say... It took me 6 seconds to fake it 6. He would always hang out with girls 5. He was toxic 4. I can't trust him, but I stayed anyways 3. He has mommy issues... 2 years of his bullshit I can't undo 2. Every time I enter his house, It's foggy because he uses his Juul (Juul is a vape) a lot 1. I can't believe I fell in love with him. I made that list when I was bored, seems like a pretty helpful list to not forget him, yet hate him and not be with him. (Stream 10 things I hate about you by Leah Kate)

I was still in crying state when I came home, I wanted someone to comfort me and so I called Chaeyoung, she was always supportive... I love her so much as a friend. When she picked up the phone she said "Hello? Are you ok?" It put a little smile on my face "Yeah, it's just..." I paused "Just what?" I sigh "Bambam broke up with me..." I start to tear up again "Ok I'll be there right away" I was surprised when she said that, I didn't expect it, but I went with it because I really needed it right now.

I heard my doorbell ring so I came to open the door to see Chaeyoung with food and an iced americano in her hand "Oh wow... You didn't have to buy me all of that Chaeyoung" She chuckles "No need to worry, I have enough money" She let herself inside and sat on the couch, into which I followed "So why did you and Bambam break up?" she asked me all of a sudden "Well he said that he wasn't interested anymore" I then kept blabbering about I treated him nicely and how I made the list of why I hate him, it went on and on with me crying on Chaeyoungs shoulder, her hugging me trying to calm me down, and honestly... it worked, I stopped crying a few minutes later, she cared for me for awhile, she's such a great friend.

Chaeyoung Pov

I hate my heart for beating too fast, her head is on my chest, she's so close to me, is my dream coming true? is this real? I was hoping that this wasn't a dream, and it wasn't, I hate Bambam for breaking up with her, yet I like that he did.

I then looked at Mina, seems like she fell asleep, I decided to sleep too because I can't move, or else I'll wake up my sleeping- I mean THE sleeping beauty... she'll never be mine, she's straight and only thinks of me as a friend.

Time skip

I woke up to nothing but air... I was thankful for that, but I was still kinda sad that Mina isn't on top of me. (Dirty minded people 😃) I decided, since Mina isn't here I should go home, it's already night anyways. When I was about to put my shoes on, I heard an angelic voice coming from behind me "Chaeyoungie?" I looked behind me and saw Mina stand there with her penguin pjs, penguin plushie and her penguin slippers, basically she was a full on penguin shop standing in front of me, she was so cute! As I was screaming internally, I answered "Yeah?" She looks like she feels hurt so I went to her "Hey what's wrong?" She just looks at me, I can see the hurt in her eyes, probably Bambam broke up with her "Are you going already?" I look back to my shoes and think about it "Uh yeah..." she looks down "I still want someone to be here though..." I sigh in defeat as I hug her "Please don't leave Chaeyoungie" I pat her back "I won't unnie, I won't." The rest of the evening we talked and did normal stuff, we bought take out because both of us weren't feeling to cook, and then we slept together.(Not like that 😀🤚)

To be continued~

That's it- If one of my Irl friends see this, sup :D

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