If You Really Knew Me, You'd Know...

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[] I need my space; clingy people upset me and stress me out

[] Im not gunna be mean to someone because you dont like them... heck im even nice to people I dont like!

[] I get suspicious and sad when people dont respond to my texts

[] I have problems! </3

[] Im loyal to my friends and will never leave you or spill your secrets

[] I have abandonment and self-esteem issues.. :(

[] Im OBSESSED with Cats and Trees

[] Strong displeasure for lassagna

[] I cant cook but Im great at making delicious desserts

[] I love knowing what people think of me... Especially if its nice! c:

[] I have a hard time expressing myself and openning up to people about certain things in person

[] I take pills for depression... :'(

[] I donate all my money to charities and am always kind in hopes that someday I wont be so useless

[] I like giving advice and helping people

[] I write poetry and songs when Im depressed

[] I sing about trees and cats when Im happy ^-^

[] People call me a pushover... I call it simplicity. Life is easy when you dont always fight.

[] Just because Im here for you doesnt mean you can take me for granted.

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