17 uncontrollable

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Warning ⚠️ language, violence and grammar mistakes

Previously on teen wolf

School got let out early because of the storm

We can't find Scott !!!


Derek , Peter and deaton here :-/

Like at the school

Dude are you alive ?

Mom if your dead I'm so gonna kill you

Meet in the hales vault ASAP
Peter said code "alpha"

Stiles shivered at the thought of that code. He looked out the gym window facing the lacrosse field where he seen the figure in the middle of it sniffing around. He decided to slowly climb down since it should take sometime for the figure to find him. Once he was on the ground again he booked it as fast as he could  to the basement vault banging on it waiting for a response.
That's when he heard deep breathing.

Resuming on teenwolf

Before stiles could turn around fully he was flung back hard against the stone walls of the basement.

As his back hits the wall it made a sickeningly crack noise causing the younger stilinski to cry out in pain. As if on command his his strong sense of smell came back.

He almost immediately smelt that herbal and fruity smell.

His head quickly snapped up to see it was Scott standing there almost as pale as stiles he had deep dark bags under his eyes.

What really got to stiles was the black veins crawling it's way up his neck and the fresh looking blood splashed all over his now snarling face.

What really got to stiles was the black veins crawling it's way up his neck and the fresh looking blood splashed all over his now snarling face

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Stiles slowly put his hands out for Scott while he's still on the ground."h-hi buddy your okay look see your okay."

Almost immediately Scott body shrinks down again to a crouching position. Stiles assume Scott wasn't in control at all before he could think any more into Scott body lunges full force at stiles again.

Lucky for stiles a arrow shot right above the wall he was pressed against causing a huge flash of light causing scott to stable back against the wall where a figured seem to have been hiding injecting Scott in the neck with a needle causing the alpha to almost immediately go limp. 

Stiles could smell Derek strong Fragrance from a mile away.

Stiles looked up to see Derek standing in the far back of the basement with a cross bow and arrows looking around cautiously .

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