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Louis doesn't sleep much and decides to get up just as the sun is rising at 5:30am, he brushes his teeth, puts his ugg boots on and makes his way to the kitchen for some tea. As he turns the kettle on he yawns, Louis is used to waking up alone but he does wish he had someone to share his life with. He hasn't wanted to burden anyone with his trauma and it's not like he hasn't been asked out on dates, he just hasn't wanted to accept. Louis isn't going to lie, he had hoped something would develop between Scott and Harry but he knows now, after Harry and Scott left him, that they aren't interested and probably never were.

Louis is brought out of his thoughts by the kettle whistling. He makes his tea and grabs his blanket and decides to go sit on the porch swing out the front of the house, one of his favourite spots that overlooks his big yard.

He sees Murdock and Lucas changing over with Edward and Drew, he waves and they wave back, as they do shift swap. Louis thinks he should go and offer them some tea.

He watches Murdock and Lucas leave and as he is about to get up to go see Drew and Edward something catches his eye at the tree line.

He sees a figure, dressed in black, just watching him. Louis stands up and puts his tea down, before he knows what he's doing he's walking towards the forest. The ground is crisp and the noise his shoes make as he walks, catches Edward and Drew's attention.

"Louis?" Edward calls

Louis is too determined to get to the figure that he doesn't hear Edward or Drew yelling his name.

He sees the figure slink into the trees and by the time he makes it to the tree line the figure is gone. Louis heart rate is going a million miles an hour, he definitely saw someone.

He looks to the ground then and sees something placed neatly on the start of the trail. He picks it up and gasps just as Drew and Edward make it to him

"Louis kid, what's wrong" Drew says as he grabs Louis around the waist, Edward's hand on his gun in case.

They both look at what Louis is holding, they look at each other and Edward reaches for his radio.

"This is Sierra Oscar 228 we need Detective Styles and Wolf to attend 28 Chestnut as soon as they can" Edward says but Louis has tuned him out. He feels a rush in his ears and his breathing becoming really harsh

"Louis kiddo, breathe okay, you're okay, we're right here, just breathe" Drew says gently as he holds Louis close, Louis back to his chest.

Edward takes what's in Louis hand and bags it, before he's walking back up the hill to get Louis blanket from the porch and to deal with the evidence

Louis manages to bring himself back to reality and gets his breathing controlled

"That's it, good boy" Drew says as he released his grip a little on Louis.

"I'm just going to go have a quick look in the forest okay, just stay here I'll be right back" Drew says

"No, Drew I saw someone, please no" Louis says upset

Drew is torn but promises Louis he will be right back and heads quickly to the trail.

It's completely still and silent, really eery and he doesn't get a good feeling. He can't see anyone but feels he's being watched. He decides to wait for backup and moves out of the forest.

"Let's get you back to the house hey" Drew says as he makes it to Louis .

Louis relaxes that Drew's okay, 

Louis let's Drew lead him up the hill, he keeps looking behind him but doesn't see anything else.

By the time Harry and Scott show up Louis is settled on the couch with the blanket wrapped around him. He's just staring at he TV that Edward put on to distract him.

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