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"So what did you get up to today Lou?" Harry asks as they sit down to dinner. Drew and Edward joining them too.

"Oh, just work" Louis says as he plays with his food

The boys brought Thai home, knowing it's Louis favourite and it might entice him to eat.

"Yeah? Did you design anything cool?" Drew asks

Louis giggles at that and the boys stop and stare. They haven't heard that noise from Louis in so long and they all missed it so much

Drew chuckles

"What?" He asks smiling

"Just a funny question, takes weeks to design something, I just...sorry" Louis blushes

The boys chuckle

"Well are you working on anything cool at the moment" Drew corrects

Louis smiles and shrugs

"I just started a collage library today, that's pretty cool" Louis says smiling

The boys miss how passionate Louis is about his work, how he used to talk about it all the time.

"That sounds really awesome" Edward says

"Do you have to go visit the site at all?" Scott asks, knowing most of the time Louis likes to see the location before he does his designs.

"Um yeah actually, tomorrow" Louis says

"Where's site?" Harry asks as he takes a sip of his beer

Louis looks down and doesn't answer

"Louis?" Scott asks pointedly

"London Elite" Louis whispers

The boys are silent

"Louis" they all say

"It will be fine, it's fine" Louis says upset

"Louis it's not fine, you don't have to go back there" Harry says

"I do if I want this job and it's paying really well" Louis says

"Like you need the money!" Scott scoffs

"What's that supposed to mean?" Louis asks

"It means, you're loaded Louis, you don't even need to work, why take a job that's going to bring up the past and where it all happened?" Harry asks and he's angry, because he's worried and wants to protect Louis.

"Like this whole case isn't turning everything on its head, like it's not dragging everything up. I can't keep living like this, I can't let it keep ruling my life. I'm sick of feeling like this and it's all coming back regardless of if I take this job or not" Louis yells back angrily

"Okay calm down" Edward tries to calm the situation

"I'm sorry Louis, okay, I'm just worried about you" Harry then apologises but his voice is raised

"Harry, I'm sorry I don't get it. You disappear for a whole year, all of you. You say your job was finished but there was no warning, you just stopped calling me, stopped coming around stopped answering my calls. I spent months wondering what I did wrong. I'm sorry if I was to close to you, I'm sorry if I thought you were my friends. But fuck, it fucking broke me and now you think turning up here, pretending to worry about me, moving in here, is going to fix anything, is going to make me forget? You've made it very clear I relied on you to much, so don't come in here and tell me which jobs I can and can't do or that you're worried about me" Louis says and he finishes yelling.

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