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The hospital is a blur of noise and urgency, Harry and Scott can feel it from the waiting room. Drew and Edward organise a change of clothes for both boys and they change into black swat tracksuits so they are warm and comfortable.

Andy comes out a few hours later, letting the boys know they are still stabilising Louis and it will be a while before he will be able to report anything else.

"Andy, please, you have to make sure he's okay" Harry pleads and Andy's heart breaks

"Harry, I will do everything I can, I promise you" Andy reassures

"We love him Andy, he's ours, we need him" Scott adds desperately

"Boys you have my word okay, trust me and my team, we've got him" Andy says and he leaves to go back to Louis.

The boys end up falling asleep on each other in the waiting room. They are exhausted and they make Drew and Edward promise to wake them if they hear anything.

It's four hours later when Andy comes out once again. Drew and Edward shaking the boys awake gently

They are up out of their seats instantly

"Is he okay?" They both asks

"He's stable" Andy says and the boys relax.

Andy gestures for them to sit down and they do, Andy sitting opposite them

"He's suffered hypothermia which we're treating, it took us a while to get his body temp stable but we're confident we're on top of it now. He has the early signs of Pneumonia which we are treating with antibiotics" Andy starts

"Okay, that's good, he will be okay right" Scott asks

"We're on top of everything so he should make a full recovery, there may be some complications but he's in the right place" Andy tells the boys

"And his arm, is it okay? Harry says worriedly

"He has a few physical injuries we had to treat, his broken arm we had to re break and cast as it was damaged again, he's broken a few more ribs and his arm needed surgery to repair the cut as it was extremely severe. He's got a lot of cuts and bruises so he will be sore, he will be feeling like rubbish for a while I'm afraid" Andy says sympathetically

"But he's okay?" Scott makes sure

"He's okay, he will have to stay for a little while and I know he's not going to respond well to that, I've called Kim in and she will be here soon to see him and hopefully help him through dealing with having to stay" Andy says

"Thanks Andy" Harry says

"You can both stay, I've made a bed up, that should help him too" Andy says smiling slightly

"Thank you" Scott says

"Is he awake? Can we see him?" Harry asks

"We aren't keeping him under anymore but he's had surgery and will be a bit groggy and out of it with the drugs, but he should wake up soon, it's best if you're both there when he does" Andy says

The boys nod thankful they can be with Louis. Edward and Drew decide to head out and leave the boys with Louis. They promise to be back in the morning with supplies for them all.

Andy leads Harry and Scott to Louis room and when they see him so tiny on the bed, hooked up to a drip and oxygen, his arm in a bandage they vow to absolutely never let a single bad thing happen to their boy again.

Harry and Scott sit next to Louis bed, one on either side and hold his hands. The room is nice and big with windows that make the room a little brighter even though the sky outside is dark and rainy.

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